What was the biggest money you ever regretted wasting spending on a video game?

What was the biggest money you ever regretted wasting spending on a video game?

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The PS4, I think.

As a singular game, Alone in the Dark 2k8. The game just didn't work.

Watch Dogs on release date

I bought the collector's edition of The Phantom Pain. I like the arm, at least.

the gamecube

Resident Evil 3 remake. The game was what, 3 hours long? So disappointing.

Such a shame too because the RE2 remake had a lot of replay value

I own over FIFTY Gamecube games.

Probably GTAV, can't believe I paid full price for that shit.
On a related note I also regret trading in every single game I ever traded in to gamestop, holy fuck it was never worth it.

Spent around $800 on skins in league back when I used to play it every day, now I haven’t touched it in 2 years. My biggest regret by far.

I haven't played either version of RE2 but I heard that the remake of RE2 cut a lot of replayability that was in the original version. So it sounds like the original RE2 must have been a pretty impressive game for its time.