What was the biggest money you ever regretted wasting spending on a video game?

What was the biggest money you ever regretted wasting spending on a video game?

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The PS4, I think.

As a singular game, Alone in the Dark 2k8. The game just didn't work.

Watch Dogs on release date

I bought the collector's edition of The Phantom Pain. I like the arm, at least.

the gamecube

Resident Evil 3 remake. The game was what, 3 hours long? So disappointing.

Such a shame too because the RE2 remake had a lot of replay value

I own over FIFTY Gamecube games.

Probably GTAV, can't believe I paid full price for that shit.
On a related note I also regret trading in every single game I ever traded in to gamestop, holy fuck it was never worth it.

Spent around $800 on skins in league back when I used to play it every day, now I haven’t touched it in 2 years. My biggest regret by far.

I haven't played either version of RE2 but I heard that the remake of RE2 cut a lot of replayability that was in the original version. So it sounds like the original RE2 must have been a pretty impressive game for its time.

I bought the Fallout 4 PipBoy edition.

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I've bought skyrim 2 times but the ps4 still takes the cake.
300 bucks down the drain

CSGO knife M9 MW ultraviolet

The division 1 and the expansion pass

Same, and my phone is too big to use it.

thousands of dollars on gacha games

Sold my DS to buy Gears of War 1 & 2, played through the campaigns once and never touched again

Preordered the $250 version of Rock Band, drum peddle tired my foot real quickly and the guitar sucked dick

witcher 3 during the literal last minute of the winter sale. didnt interest me. got memed into buying it. fucking wish i didnt.

fable 3 collector's edition
the case looks cool at least

friend made me buy Resident Evil: ORC and Aliens Colonial Marines on launch full price

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Anyone who plays destiny is a subhuman who deserves to be publicly executed by firing squad.

A Sega Saturn.
By the time I bought one, games were impossible to find and retarded expensive.

Marvel vs Capcom Infinite on release.
Such a disappointment.

Red Dead Redemption 2

doom eternal collectors edition. i was so hyped for it because i liked 2016, ended up hating eternal so much that i never bothered finishing it before the uninstall.

About $100 on hearthstone before I realized it was shit, also buying CK2 DLCs before I realized you didn't have to.

I preordered No Man's Sky.

Black Ops III on PC for $60. You needed a high end PC to run it, campaign is trash, and matchmaking stopped working 3 years ago.

I don't even think I got outside the first zone.

i bought the anthem deluxe version so i could play during the closed beta and forgot to cancel the preorder. Now i have a game that i haven't played once since it came out.

built a gaming pc for skyrim.

That's not a bad idea. It's a great game.

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This tbqh senpai fuck that shit game

HZD , Destiny , NBA mobile live spend over 600 euros on that trash and last but not least Death Stranding.

Bought this fucking 15 dollar educational kids game for my 3 year old son called Evan, Daniel, and friends. What the fuck was I thinking? It's complete shit that is worth 5 dollars.

Kid likes it though.

>NBA mobile live
>that face when I have just learned there's a mobile waifu collection gacha game for basketball players

2 copies of Mass Effect 3 on day 1, one being a collector's edition which I purposely kept unopened. Fuck.

But you could play it on a 360 or a shitty laptop and it's pretty much the same.

LISA on steam, even tho it was like 10 bucks
Witcher 2 physical copy instead of waiting for steam sale
3DS, not a single minute played

>LISA on steam, even tho it was like 10 bucks
Because of the game quality, or because you can get the game for free on his website?