How do I beat Master mode? I’ve only managed to beat the ruby cup so far, using Falcon. I still haven’t tried figuring out how to snake so that might help. Also when you beat them all on Master you get another cup right?
F-Zero GX
Other urls found in this thread:
MT with Fat Shark
build cosmic cannon 64 and just don't boost until the end, the ai's boost patterns are based on how much you do it yourself
Snaking trivializes the game once you get it down.
Rainbow Phoenix or Fat Shark and git gud.
Wait really?
yes, if you don't boost the ai will use very little boost power if any and if you are constantly boosting they will be too
Oh thats neat. How else can you cheese this game?
Good on you for toughing it out with Blue Falcon.
Beat all four of the main cups on Master and you unlock the AX cup, from the arcade cabinet version of F-Zero GX.
So basically this is one of those retarded games that punishes you for getting better. Got it.