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Video Games
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Video Games #5195
Video Games
I'll never forgive 343
Jackbox 7 coming this fall
Nooooooooooo you can't just wake the wind fish noooooo i dont want to disappear
Last thread >>519594072
Blackpilled again
Was this game actually good or was Zig Forums memeing?
Still love vidya and play it when I can
What the fuck is wrong with ffxiv ? Im getting 30 minutes queues for dungeons as a DPS is this game dead ?
Friendly reminder that the only videogames harmed by censorship are trash videogames that had absolutely nothing else...
Grow up with the Sonic Adventure games
Is Joe Rogan right about video games? I personally do think video games are an absolute waste of time
Star citizen reaches 425 million in funding
Balmora, home
Hey loser, we're making the next game of the decade. You in?
Why is he so feminine? Who does he appeal too...
Chad tier
What is the one game (or release date) you want them to announce the most?
This shit is fucking great
It's so fukken great brethens
Tfw we'll never get a Castlevania game starring Julius
Disco Elysium
Free game thread
Which video game has the best feeling grenade launcher?
10 years later
Which console do you prefer Zig Forums?
Here you go 3ds bros
Moved from SFV to Tekken 7. Holy shit why did I waste years of my life playing SFV...
I'm tired of faggotry in my WRPGs. Is there a single big-budget game without it?
Game settings
Veronica wins again!
Post the title of a videogame but replace one word with ‘nigger’
What did you think of Ashley Johnson's performance as Ellie, Zig Forums?
You have 10secs to name zhe best JRPG ever and why
He plays DPS
Hi I am the best Suda51 game
Monster Hunter needs a reboot...
Shit movement
Spidey exclusive
Sony PlayStation 5 will have several exclusive third party deals
He can’t control his urges
This game has no memorable quotes
I miss them, Zig Forumsros
ITT: Vidya Pet Peeves
Unironically the greatest villain in the past 10 years
ITT: banging music in unassuming or obscure games
Animal Crossing
ITT we discuss why DQXI is the best JRPG
Impressive physical vidya collections thread
Like MMO's and the aspect of being a lone wolf warrior and everyone admiring my nice gear
Childhood is preferring DaS1
Who is the best Resident Evil Protagonist?
Who is your favorite voice actor in gaming and why is it Troy Baker and Laura Bailey?
Who's the best Fallout companion?
So are you lads excited for RE8?
Warhammer Darktide
Next gen consoles prove how unnecessary 4K and 120 fps are
Let's take a moment to appreciate the absolute peak of gaming history
Who's your favorite male character?
Imagine everything we could’ve had gotten if they stayed with Nintendo
Good or bad?
This is a Chinese game developed by one person
Forget BOOBS, what do Tifa's ARMPITS look like?
Smash thread
Snow level
How's your game coming along, Zig Forums?
What's the biggest problem with games these days?
We need a character to appeal to 13 year olds
Female character is strong and competent in combat, but is unattractive or incredibly average
Ghost game
Whats the best game to play in a pod with a group of friends?
I play as the female
Don't play video games
ITT: The absolute worst HUDs/UIs in video games
Fairy Tail thread
Wtf I hate AMD now
I try to like this game but I can't
Late 90s/Early 2000s Soul Thread
It's a gas giant level
This is a student council president
Fall Guys
You have ten (10) seconds to name the best forest level in vidya
He didn't buy a rx580
Why does Warhammer Total War not feature female Skaven? Why do people deny the existence of Skaven?
Why is this series keep getting second chances despite it having the worst selling Nintendo games under the belt...
Horizon zero dawn
Was the Ancient Greeks really as brown as shown in the game?
-Particle Effects up the ass
What narrative purpose did it serve to have the player play as Snake before the actual game begins...
Did you buy it yet Zig Forums?
Zig Forums is making fun of the Persona 5 soundtrack
What does the End need to be interesting? What biomes and what not? Its pretty boring and needs an update
Will Battlefield ever be good again?
Bmz thread with a dash of other inti stuff
How would you make a good My Hero Academia game?
Shantae Thread
Guilty Gear Strive
Missing You
What killed the hype?
Only 10-12 hours of battery life. Thoughts?
Imagine an expansive open world game in this setting. It would be absolute kino
X3 is balanced around jerking off Zero. Enemies do ridiculous damage to unarmored X and they spawn in constantly...
Paper Mario OC
Rate my specs for vidya
We're a month away from a whole year without a full direct...
Has there ever been a game that has actual learning ai, even if really basic?
This is Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon
Scam citizen Whale Civil War
2020... I am forgotten
Did Matthewmatosis out himself as a hack when he insinuated that Souls combat is largely unremarkable and overhyped?
Games dont fill the void anymore
Any dating sims where the other girls you didn't pick get jealous?
Game has grab mechanics
Good or bad?
Would you have sex with a Gerudo user?
Why aren't you playing her game?
Should I reinstall Overwatch...
Sim City 4 Appreciation Thread
Well Zig Forums ?
Humans were originally planned for Star Fox 2 but got cut
Game has unnecessarily convoluted mechanics
Excuse me, one copy of "Kira Kira Black Gal Reverse Rape - Colossal G-Cup Tits That Men Devour" please
Baldurs Gate 1 in 2020 first time player
How do we fix the horror genre?
Airblasting projectiles isn't even that hard to do and his weapons are so nerfed into the ground the only way to can...
What went so horribly wrong?
What games have accurate depictions of angels?
Todd Howard is a saint compared to this man
Risk of Rain
Holy shit, these games are so fucking boring...
Name a more evil video game protagonist
Why do western developers insist on covering up their female heroines?
Coworkers start talking about video games
____ ___, ____, _____? You want it? It's yours my friend, as long as you have enough rubies!
What are some good examples of overshilled vidya waifus that aren't even good?
Ace Combat
Story is more mature and well written compared to Witcher 3
Nobeta thread
When do you decide to clean the inside of your PC?
Ghost of Tsushima
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
Is this the greatest vidya track of all time?
Zeus being the father of kratos is an asspull
Game about cooking accurate recipes
How often do you actually buy games for 60 dollars?
What's the current state of this game? Bannerlord thread
I never play on hard mode and I like it that way
Why are socialists so obsessed with representation in video games?
Bought a switch for zelda and this. Zelda is ok, but not the best game ever like everyone said, still its a good game
Whats Zig Forums oppinion about it?
Top selling games worldwide on Steam right now. Thoughts? Opinions?
Say something nice to her
Stalker exposed
Jesus christ how embarrassing
ITT we make the worst game possible
Do PC gamers really look like this?
Which do you identify more with?
Mhw threads
Is it legally required that if you make a zombie game these days the protagonist has to be an annoying smug...
Rate my taste and currently installed pc games
How the fuck is this series popular when every single one of these games is terribly flawed in some way?
So far I've finished 1,2, Super, Fusion and Zero Mission and I liked them all...
It's so empowered and current year!
How do I flirt with women I meet in online lobbies?
Who would win?
Cyberpunk 2077
If they make a sequel, there's no way they'll let you make characters like this anymore
Is Mei a balanced character, user?
But why?
I seriously hope none of you fags act like this
You will never guess what things you can't shoot in TLoU 2!
ITT: Games only you have played
Why the fuck is it controversial to make a game about killing nazis?
Mass Effect
The XBOX 360 was better than the PS3
Total War Warhammer thread
Expectations for RF5?
Are there any games even left to look forward to?
Are Japanese games always superior to Western games?
And special thanks to: (YOU)
Hey guys how can make our boss hard?
Was Prey the Arkane A team?
You will never pay a cyberhooker and fuck her in a dark and hidden alley
Which one makes the best games?
I just bought it and Im liking it
Which one is worse?
What's the appeal of gacha games?
Say something really nice about my waifu
I like Pandaren from WoW
Walk into GameStop
Has PBR ruined game graphics?
What is wrong with e-sports fags?
Is the Xbox One controller the only easy choice for a PC controller?
A toast! To Zig Forums and video games!
Castlevania thread
This is the only game I play. This is the only game I enjoy playing. Singleplayer games feel like a waste of time...
Makes you buy their new console
Games with this feel?
What the fuck went wrong?
Asmongold says he would never try FFXIV because the games community is too toxic for him
The new thps game looks fucking terrible. Reminds me of the robomodo games
How is Halo 3 on PC?
Have you ever gotten your gf to dress up as a vidya character and then fucked her in it?
Sakuna of rice and ruin
If Hitler made a game, how would it look/play like?
Yeah, I love fighting games
ITT: Characters with the same name as you
Are indie games better than AAA games?
It's over, the future of videogames is american or japanese no more
Post your gaming pose
Back to your caves!
I refuse to believe that there is a single person in the entire world who liked this game
When are we going to get a shooter board?
Video game advertises it has "dragons"
Just how terrible is AC?
Do you guys do anything else besides playing games and jerking off...
Isn't it kinda messed up how Futaba is a romance option?
Spend your money wisely
Pirates get in here
Based or cringe?
Do you feel guilty about pirating video games that aren't AAA? Someone worked hard on them
Just remember Sekiro, shadows die twice
Is Sayaka the queen of vidya lolis? i bet you cant name one thats as iconic as this qt
Why are video game reviewers so fucking useless?
Why don't more games feature tough tomboy characters?
Black mario
Troy Baker favorite games
So a lot of people want her and don't want her...
Death stranding thread
ITT: Hidden Music Gems in Vidya
If you're going to be a coomer, you might as well commit all the way
Single handedly ruins an entire game
This is a game released in 2020
"By sparing Abby it seems though Ellie as retained her humanity and become "The Last of Us 2"...
What's your favorite Armored Core game, Zig Forums? Armored Core 3 was mine
Let me get this straight. They made a tablet computer but made it incapable of being a tablet?
Western game
What do they say again?
Big numbers or small numbers?
What do you think about each of these companies and their impact on gaming as a whole ?
Why do people praise this pile of shit?
How do I get gud?
I loved Sim City games as a lad, does this capture the same feeling?
It's time to admit that it was actually a masterpiece
Be honest Zig Forums, would you put it on?
Webm thread
You know you wanna
I don't understand fans of this franchise
Lara is for
Game has a slider for making spiders more abstract and less detailed so game journos dont pee their diapers in horror
Metro Exodus
Why is this allowed?
Thoughts on Grounded?
It's not Tanabe and Paper Mario only
I greatly enjoyed Medievil on PS4, but are there good games with skeletons as the main character...
Tfw a gamer talks to me
Itt: we post games and we suggest ways the dev couldve improved on the game
ITT: post games which would be objectively improved by adding the feature to stomp em in the nuts
Why does the majority of Zig Forums get ass mad over the NCR?
Game has invisible walls
When exactly did it lose its soul?
Zig Forums will always have a "strong womyn" thread about this character and it shows how incompetent they are
Is there a video game character who has suffered more than Guts?
Ultimately best choice, prove me wrong
Is link the king of vidya shotas? i bet you cant name one thats as iconic as this qt
What's the best game you've played this year, Zig Forums?
Is it possible to make a horror game that has really captured Lovecraft feeling?
Bigger whales want smaller whales to be banned in Star citizen
ITT some new Halo details
Zig Forumsidya Draw Thread
PC gamers beg Atlus to release their games on PC
Is there such thing as playing too much video games?
Why does it feel like Sony is making exclusives as if they have a fierce competitor...
Game suddenly has a bunch of anime thrown into it randomly
Move over, Quest Markers. I am the true ruiner of video games
What games are you playing, Zig Forums? Are you juggling a few at once? What are your thoughts on them so far?
Games only you played
Can we have a thread dedicated to 40 yo women?
How come you pcfags havent been able to make your pc play ps4 games but a black kid can?
You are now experiencing nostalgia
Thoughts 12 years later? The mission design is easily some of the shittiest in the franchise but the tone, writing...
Fire Emblem
What were they thinking?
What was the best game of 2005?
Atelier Ryza Update Released
Let's have a "comfy" Kirby thread
Death Stranding is a walking si--
Downloading the god of war collection right now...
You know it's true
West vs east games
Shantae is getting WIDER
Wolfenstein thread
Insect, class-based, brawler FUCKING WHEN
Just finished this book and wow its crazy. Im gonna start the delta force game based on the events of it...
Rawr wheres the dino games
Why aren't you playing Ringfit Adventure? You do want to get ripped right?
Persona 3 and 4 thread! Post those summer and swimsuit themed pics!
Iroha Is a vidya character
Hello Douglas
Want to talk about Sonic
Magic the Gathering: Arena - a video game
4 > 2 > 3 > 1
Wealth beyond measure, outlander
Sunless sea thread
The campaign for this game kind of sucks
Is Alola the comfiest place in all of videogame history?
Why aren't you playing Digimon games? Most of em have better content, visuals, girls and stories than Pokémon ever will
When did retail WoW start going down hill for you?
If metro 2033 was adapted into a movie
The Flood levels in Halo are not fun. Prove me wrong
What's the key to making a good original username?
So do Cortana and Chief want to fuck each other?
Do literally anything work at all
This is the peak of video game character design
2020: I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing
Baldur's Gate 3
Why do journos have a hateboner for bosses?
MHW is the most flawed MH has ever been
Nioh 2
How would you personally rank them in terms of enjoyment?
ITT: Bad Vidya Opinions
What the FUCK???
I fucking swear, you incels better not fuck this up make them give up with your constant toxicity
Lugia is peak soul
The BIGGEST ballot in smash history
I posted a Time Safe of Zig Forums from 10 years ago and I'm posting Zig Forums on it now
Lootbox cancer finally slowly going away
Supports leaks because of "preservation"
Shantae is getting FATTER Pt. 3
RE2R is the best game in the series if you don't account for irony
Have you ever lost in a video game?
How would you design a 3D Castlevania game?
Rate my NEET game night
I deepfaked trump doing faces onto my wow character and it turned into
Best controller
He's right you know
Mission Compree
BlazBlue/BBCF Saturday Night Thread
At what point should the goverment intervene with obvious scams like gacha shit...
Why don't American games let me bang middle school girls but I can rip off people's heads and shit down their necks?
Worth picking up for $10? haven't played a Far Cry since 3
Ruins the TPS genre
Is zelda 2: the adventure of link souls-like?
Minor annoyances in videogames
The Pony Ride Ends
Party Van
This game sucks, is Fusion any better?
Why have games devolved over the years?
Amercian level
I can't work out if this was comfy or deeply unsettling
ITT Actually good licensed games
Breath of the Wild's biggest failure was that it had no fishing
If you're not using THESE headphones, then I'm sorry, you're just not a real gamer
Why is the PS4 Pro so warm, user?
What game has the best selection of minigames?
How did Xbox fail so spectacularly to PlayStation?
This is Amicia, say something nice about her and her game
I love this asshole
So now that the dust has settled, was it really THAT bad?
Daily reminder the the cannot be an e-celeb board because it will instantly turn into a hub of stalking and doxing and...
Are Chinese games becoming the next big thing?
If you could materialize one character to give it a lovely hug, who would that be?
Whats the point of buying a pc?
A Hideo Kojima game
Lol this game is such a steaming pile of hot garbaage
Paper Mario OC discussion thread
Its been out for 16 years and its 2020. Why is this game so clunky?
I can't beat Airman
Ai dungeon
It's time again for epicmafia
Should i pull the trigger ?
What kind of reaction does this image inspire in you?
I want to get into strategy games. Which one is the better option for someone retarded like me?
Online multiplayer
Is Call of Duty Modern Warfare (2019) a good game?
10 years ago I told you guys that I'd be saving random pics off Zig Forums and keeping them in a time safe for 2020 --...
He never had a Halo LAN party
Warhammer 2
It's out
Yandere dev website got hacked
Zig Forumsermin Zig Forumseekend
Your "Most Important Niche"
This game is fun as fuck. I can't remember the last time i woke up early to play something
Do you consider the Switch a console you can play on the go, or a handheld you can play on your TV?
Filename thread
All these retro gamers in their 40s still doing youtube videos to zero audience
Help destroy the world FOR MONEY
I don't get the appeal of danganronpa
Cute robo waifus
Zig Forums most remarkable achievements in games
How do you respond without sounding mad?
Why is it still selling so much when the PS5/XSX are coming out in a few weeks?
Does the looming US/China war mean we'll finally get a Call of Duty campaign with the Chinese as the antagonists...
What the fuck happened?
Is it going away because they actually care or because nobody's buying Xbox to actually pay for this shit?
As a big pokimane fan this would be cool
Hey YOU! It's time for you to post your hidden DS gems RIGHT NOW, AGAIN
It has already turned to shit with wRPG fags flocking in
What are the best games with vampires?
It's up
She will never be real
So what's the best way to play serious sam tfe/tse these days...
Be honest, you had no fucking idea who any of these people were before Smash
*kills gaming and america*
Peak soul nothing will ever compete with the amount of pure unfiltered soul seeping from this game...
Why did the N64 fail to take off?
Has any better class shooter been released since?
Fire Emblem
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light and the Temple of Osiris
Is this game worth playing compared to the other X games?
Have you built a gaming pc during lockdown, Zig Forums?
GREEN Toad in Sticker Star
Forrest Frontiers...home
F-Zero GX
Underrail: Build Positivity Edition
14 years and there is STILL not a single game that can match God Hand's combat and gameplay
Post a danganronpa character without actually posting it
Western gaming thread
Does smoking near your consoles/pcs really damage them?
Remake when?
Modern Warfare 2 remastered is now free on PlayStation Plus. I'm so excited
Star citizen whale honeypot
What will it be named?
Why does everything in Fallout 4 look like it's made out of plastic?
More Rumours of 'Major' Third Party PS5 Exclusives Return
If you care so much about good story in digital games, why dont you guys read a book?
ESA Summer Online speedrun marathon thread
Would you buy a modern game with low poly aesthetics, Zig Forums? Imagine everything else about the game is good...
Wake up today, finally, no work, no responsibilities
Don't forget to stay hydrated while gaming, Zig Forums
You're given the money and time to make a GOOD licensed game for a modern cartoon
The Boss
Asmongold vs FFXIV community
What the fuck were they thinking with this character design?
Elder Scrolls 1 Norrowind is my favorite elder scrolls game because it was the first elder scrolls game...
Apparently "going back to the roots" and "try to be as Bungie as possible" means making the game look graphically like...
What does Zig Forums think of Lucina
Last of Us 2 Concept Art
Why do people hate Yandere Sim so much?
I fucking love this game. The characters. The setting. The dialogue. Everything
Why do gamers hate Zig Forums video game women, Zig Forums?
The American thinks this is okay
The original plan from Playtonic was to create a “video game universe” similarly to the Marvel Cinematic universe...
Ghost of Tsushima
What's your graphics card and how is it holding up in vidya Zig Forums...
But how do you play an FPS with a controller though...
Who was in the right?
Your Favorite Pokémon
How come we never have games focusing on finance?
Sonic Project Hero
Why do gamers like tacky overly designed edgy weapons and armor in fantasy games?
Besides poor hygiene and molesting underage boys, what else does this cultural phenomenon have to offer?
Post a screenshot from what you are currently playing
Who was in the wrong here?
What about Asuka makes her so perfect?
Are you enjoying your summer and Smash?
Great and fun first half
I think I'm done playing smash
Mfw people actually buy pre-built PCs
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine