ultimately best choice, prove me wrong
pro tip: you can't and yes, blowing up BOS bunker is a good thing
ultimately best choice, prove me wrong
pro tip: you can't and yes, blowing up BOS bunker is a good thing
>wants to have amicable relations with the NCR because they are his largest source of income
>makes you stop Kimball's assassination and encourages you to make Oliver sign the treaty instead of killing him
>but for some reason destroys The Kings if you have them make peace with NCR
I never understood this part of the ending
Because he never tries to make an empire and only wants to say inside New Vegas
kings are too close to him and his empire physically, can't have potential 5th column army right next to your castle
Yes-Man is the best choice. Only homosexuals go for the rest.
imagine not wanting to own an independent vegas with a shit ton of robots to trample whoever you want lmao
>be me
>find fag
>kill brotherhood
>shit on legions
>team up with Boone
>turn off house
>enclave make a comeback at the dam
>personally kill Boone
>become president of the enclaved states of west America
>blowing up BOS bunker is a good thing
based and housepilled
This. Jesus Christ after veronicas quest how could you not kill them. Fuckers killed all of those followers of the apocalypse and yet she still gets sad if they get blown up.
Kings are fiercely about being independent, House exerting more control spooks them and the NCR see it as an opportunity to have a proxy war due to the treaty. So House demonstrates why it is the most foolish thing to challenge Vegas on its home turf with Mk. II software securitrons protecting it.