Jannies can eat a dick, these threads are allowed edition

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Pokken trial, Xenoblade DE, Pokemon Pinball RS
Nothing at the moment
Idle chitchat
Posts, news, messages from friends
Artichoke dip, fruit, pickled veggies. Maybe some leftover curry since I'm starving
Some vodka+lemonade thing. Got a Hofbraü dunkel waiting for me and some peanut butter stout to split
Hell no
Nope, we on nofap and holding back now that we're with the gf again. Sneaking feels of her huge ass and belly instead.
More exhausted than I have felt in ages. Been helping the gf pack up to move in, cleaning, running around town. We took today to "chill" and went kayaking. Love that shit. Now we're kicking back with drinks and food with a few friends - thankfully everyone's been so secluded corona is a non-issue.
Headed out tomorrow to take a two day roadtrip to go back to my place with her dog. He's a total cutie. Been nervous since I never had a pet in all of my years, but he's a good boy. Really looking forward to this trip though. Roadtrip with my favorite music blasting and my girl at my side? Few things are better.

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Fallout 1, maybe some Tanki
Binging some Scaretheater in the background
Same as above
Haven't done it since school desu
Mr. Pibb
Too much of a square for that

Paper Mario 64, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year-Door, and Yakuza 2
Haibane Renmei
Violator by Depeche Mode
Cheese Pizza
Dr. Pepper
I don't smoke
Horrible. I tried asking friends if they wanted to hang out this weekend, but they were all busy, so I'm spending it alone. I legitimately feel like I'm going to hurt myself since I hate myself and my life.
>Fallout 1
Nice. That's my second-favorite in the series behind New Vegas.

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Halo MCC, gonna finish 3's campaign with a buddy tonight.
Nioh, gave it up pretty early on when I first played it, but I came back to it recently and it's all clicking now. Really good shit, game seems huge but I hope I can beat it before Nioh 2 comes to PC.
Baseball and hockey playoffs. Fuck the former, bunch of idiots can't run anywhere near a safe or sane league and it's going to get shut down soon, I think.
Dire Straits
Beasts of No Nation, spoiled myself to a handful of new books so excited to dive into them all.
Homemade pizza
Gatorade, water
8/10, getting outside more, exercising on my road bike and putting on the miles, and dropping some pounds, down about a dozen already. Life is good, trying to stay content and appreciative.

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Is 2 any good? I'm thinking of trying it out once I beat the first one.

Spelunky earlier. Streamed a bit and had like 8 viewers!
Forensic files
Reese cup
Smoking roaches since I'm out of green
All right

Fallout 2 or Yakuza 2? Fallout 2 is great but I found the atmosphere to be a lot worse. There's a lot more side content though, and if you like New Vegas, you'll like 2. Yakuza 2 is basically an improvement on 1 in every aspect. Better story, better gameplay, better world and side content, and better villain.

Yakuza Kiwami 2 and I absolutely love it
I’m thinking of either giving The Man in The High Castle a watch or Electric Dreams. I’m a huge fan of Philip K Dick but most adaptations of his work are shit
Tera Melos, Daughters, Acoustic Ladyland, Breadwinner, and Hella
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch. One of Dick’s better novels
A simple Italian sub sandwich with some pistachios on the side
Whisky highballs
Just restocked today but also DUDE
Pretty great. Ready to get a new job soon and start working again. I’ve felt way too lazy lately

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MGSV and maybe MGS2 if I'm up for it later
Mega 64 playlist
Spicy black bean burger, it was pretty good.
Water and coffee
Nothing today
Alright, not looking forward to next semester but whatever.

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