Your "Most Important Niche"

..Literature; art; gameplay.

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Other urls found in this thread:

If Xenoblade Chronicles had no story or gameplay, and it consisted entirely of walking around places like Gaur Plains, Eryth Sea and Satorl Marth (Night) while listening to its glorious soundtrack it still would have been a solid 10/10 game.

Majority votes are already hugely "gameplay". Then the obvious inquiry is why Zig Forums rarely ever actually responds to / discusses gaming theory.

Attached: QIOO.png (668x882, 881.01K)

You already know why people don't respond to your threads, you type in overly complicated and bizarre sentences that are hard to understand for the average poster, and then take offense when someone tells you this. If you want discussion while keeping your posting style intact it's not going to happen on Zig Forums of all places.

>[Not a quality argument, such as specifics].
Science is keywords-dense, etc.

Attached: p[1].jpg (428x645, 52.77K)

its just the way you phrase it i think
try explaining it like you would to a child.
like a 5 year old

It's simply not challenging understanding some fundamentals, and inquiries are mostly-never asked, so..

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I am not arguing with you. I am giving you an answer to obvious inquiry is "why Zig Forums rarely ever actually responds to / discusses gaming theory" at least for you.
You can say whatever you want about it being "keyword-dense" but I'll give you a hint, in science people generally understand what keywords mean because they're well-versed in the field. You're posting on a board frequented by casual video game players, not researchers.

as a 5 year old i have no idea what you just said.
instead of "quality is of objectivity" couldnt you just say "quality is objective"?
thats a very simple example of how to make your language more accessible

Are you that schizo who talks about nonsense in a deliberately complicated way and then is upset that noone is engaging with whatever the discussion is? I've seen that "Objectivity is of Quality" shit before with that retard.

Music is also important
But obviously game should focus on interactivity
There are better mediums for focusing on the other stuff

Are you that sperg who kept trying to convince Zig Forums that Ark is a good game?

Gaming keywords aren't some dictionary-requirement..

Optimizations of what's done in life -- happiness and knowledgeability and joy -- are fantasy-meets-reality and community and beauty.

No. That's a really stupid criticism, because the phrasing is readable, even if further realizations are plausible. ..Switching up wording for "[your]" vague "accessibility" at the falsifying of meaning is garbage.

>[Not an argument].
>[Projecting some meme-y "schizo" nonsense].
The obvious suggestion is starting living a fuller or more interesting existence.

>There are better mediums for focusing on the other stuff
..I'd been wondering, but literature intensifies amongst [dimensional and effectual]..

"What's wrong with ARK?"

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>No. That's a really stupid criticism, because the phrasing is readable, even if further realizations are plausible. ..Switching up wording for "[your]" vague "accessibility" at the falsifying of meaning is garbage
i think you should find a more intellectual place than Zig Forums to spread your message then.
you're never gonna have much success here

Nothing about "instead" is actually logical. Humans are capable enough.. You berating Zig Forums is whimsical and "biased" and erroneous.

All of you saying gameplay are liar. Don't fucking lie to me, why do you make RDR/GTA threads daily if gameplay was most important for you? What about all the smash threads? The Halo threads bitching on the graphics? The gacha threads? All the blizzard garbage? All of this has horrible gameplay.

i dont know what you're saying but ok. good luck with whatever it is you're trying to do.

"Then why were you posting?"

i was attempting to understand your message and trying to give you some advice on how to generate more discussion.
but i guess im just too stupid to understand your responses so i gave up

"Stupid" was a repeated notion that "of objectivity" is some nondescript assertion (and as if somebody that's on Zig Forums a lot was simply shitposting).

"i dont know what you're saying but ok. good luck with whatever it is you're trying to do" seems an ESL (specifically oriental) response; but scientific gaming and life content has obvious "abouts"..


I'll translate it for you.
He's basically saying you sound like an East Asian ESL because you didn't understand his post, since he considers the meaning of them to be obvious. Can't parse the first sentence though, I'm not sure what he's referring to there.

>the meaning of them
Actually is "their simple purposes".

OP is an AI in testing.

This, desu. Yume Nikki is one of my favorite vidyas.

I'll have what OP's having.

No, just a mega autist trying really, really hard to sound intelligent.

it's a fucking video game. it's gameplay. if I wanted literature, I'd read literature. not to say an already great game can't be boosted with a great story, but it's never going to be the sole reason to play a game, for me.

OP is a fag

This is very dependent on the type of game.

I could play a strategy game if the gameplay was good but the story was shit.

I could play an RPG game if the story was good but the gameplay was shit

But I could never play a strategy game with shit gameplay or an RPG with a shit story.

Also pls comment on my ms paint of the emerald herald.

Attached: Emerald Herald.png (265x623, 19.67K)

>what's the most important part of a video GAME
>video GAME

it's obviously gameplay

The juncture of the topic is that..
>standards (though available really simply) aren't publicly-common;
>literature and art are plausibly much better in games than their specific mediums;
>optimizations are many -- nutrition, flexibility, strength, qualia, qualifications, and quantifications..

That seems really inexperienced. So much gameplay is similar that "solo, bland, repetitive SP-archetypes" are really easily shelvable for those noticing; and neither are MP lobbies epitomes.

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