Airblasting projectiles isn't even that hard to do and his weapons are so nerfed into the ground the only way to can play him is to W+M1. But how do you find this class fun? I find the other classes a 10000x more fun and i cant help to feel that pyro is an after thought of a character.
Airblasting projectiles isn't even that hard to do and his weapons are so nerfed into the ground the only way to can...
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He has great spacial control and dominates at ambushes. He might not take any real aiming skill, but you gotta be strategic if you wanna make up for his abysmal downsides. Best case scenario is focusing on using air blast and shotgun, while using w+m1 as a way to both reward good positioning, and punish the carelessness of the enemy.
He excels mainly on the older maps, which were made with every class in mind. The new ones are just big open spaces so soldier can rocket jump. It makes pyro nearly useless.
He's like scout with worse mobility but more tools.
>detonator jumps behind you
>mfw im a spy main
>learn all the trick stabs
>practice with Ambasador (RIP)
>use a weeb loadout for maximum tilt coupled with weeabo name tags
>get hard countered by a Pyro who is on high alert for spies
If the other team has a good pyro, being spy is impossible and that saddens me.
>airblasts you from last to the cliff on previous point on upward
Retarded class that attracts most braindead players
It's pretty funny seeing pub stomping spy get beaten by a pyro who knows how press S. I've seen them rage quit just because I didn't fall for their trick stabs.
That's Spies one weakness. Just don't engage him in melee distance and he can't do nothing. Good spies thrive on potatoes. Good pyro's will protect their teams behind while their making a push and one airblast is all it takes to completely shut down a spy. I usually switch to sniper and try to pick people off that way instead.
As i pyro main i realy hate ambassador. I mean if you 3 meters away i counter you, if you 5 meters away you counter me with 2 headshots, and i cant punish you.
I can take a crit from that stupid deus ex gun(cause, you know, its my job to spy check, if you have this crit one may say thats because i did poor job on spy check), but when i see good spy puls out this bs ambashit i become realy sad-cause i know im gona die to 2 headshots and there is no way for me to counter it.
>But how do you find this class fun?
By having the greatest combat variety in the game. Even if you overlook the fact that he technically has almost every projectile attack (and projectile-related debuff) in the game as part of his arsenal. He's the one class in the game who is strongly encouraged to combo his weapons, has effective means of dealing damage at both close and long range, has a sit load of different ways of dealing with sentry guns, even has some mobility tricks. Really bringing up shit like w+m1 or afterburn is just adding to the list of options he's got.
They nerfed all of his combo potential though. The only thing I really did enjoy with this class was the puff and sting but it's so pointless to do now because balancing weapons around fun is such a good idea. Remove dying, it's not fun to die right. Fucking valve.