Zig Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous Thread >Post references and names in one post
>Keep it vidya origin, no OCs
>No shitposting, bumping requests or misusing Loomis and other artist names
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>When posting a delivery PLEASE don't forget to link to the anchor post.
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW:
vidyart.booru.org/ (current)
vidyart2.booru.org/ (backup)
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!

NSFW Deliveries (excluding loli/furry content) should also be posted in
For NSFW Deliveries that go against the rules like loli/furry try these sites:
catbox.moe/ or imgur.com/

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Drawing Books and drawing programs:


Attached: 1596326731653.png (1000x1000, 833.61K)

Other urls found in this thread:

urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Blue Plate Special

Anchor Post.

Attached: 69dec94fc3684d2b8c0241471e928b6942c13c6c.png (1401x1455, 922.5K)

Requesting Coco Bandicoot taking a polaroid selfie at the Orient Express level. Optional suggestion: a juxtaposition between the original Playstation One graphics on the background and the new model from the PS4 N.Sane Trilogy as the main focus or the other way around.

Attached: Orient_Express.jpg (1267x878, 305.5K)

Requesting Sunny and Blade Wolf visiting his ancestor - the original AIBO.

Attached: AIBO.jpg (880x559, 122.88K)

Requesting sexy Rule 63 Akuma

Make her hot and Zig Forums

Requesting Gum and Cube giving a implied buttjob to the same spray can

Attached: 1596189948143.jpg (819x1024, 105.91K)

This but make her tiny
If you catch my drift

Requesting Robo Fortune repairing her own damaged body

Attached: Robo_Action.jpg (1981x1879, 1.83M)

I don't want loli

Requesting Uranus and Taurus showing off their muscles and Akabeko Man standing in the center pointing his arm canon towards you

Attached: 3BA1A17F-0D7E-4E6C-97FC-80C260C66A2C.png (1807x680, 1.56M)

Bea from Pokemon getting full-nelsoned and tickle tortured by two Machamps. One Machamp is behind her giving her anal. One pair of its hands is giving her the nelson headlock while the other pair is holding her legs open, forcing her into a spread eagle. The other Machamp is banging away in her pussy with one set of its hands tickling her armpits while the other pair is tickling her ribs. She should have the expression in pic posted as she's on the verge of cumming really hard.

Attached: test.png (150x144, 31.95K)

Requesting Nessa with braces

Attached: 1596266689439.jpg (850x850, 129.66K)

I read this as Uranus and Turanus
It made me laugh

Requesting Belladonna tongue bathing

Attached: 1593277863221.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

What a shame

Requesting smug Aeon from Skull girls holding a sand clock

Attached: aeo.jpg (1024x1018, 129.84K)

Requesting Succubus SMTV Protagonist getting fucked, or pegged, by a real demon or incubus while he jerks him off using his tail.

Attached: 1596181877816.jpg (1024x737, 33.89K)

Requesting this with Pit or Little Mac after getting their faces smashed by some female fighters butt

Attached: 1596186427373.jpg (625x482, 51.86K)

Requesting Fierce Deity and The Hero's Shade drinking tea together

Attached: warriors.jpg (813x599, 118.54K)

Requesting Tax Fraud

Attached: 1596181500107.jpg (1024x630, 86.88K)

Requesting Red and Blue from Gunstar Super Heroes wearing swimsuits and holding water guns as their weapons.

Attached: BEC7FD43-C047-4AF0-A74C-DE7E59D665D0.png (830x682, 474.55K)

Requesting a short comic with a slightly older Link and Medli, who is now VERY well-endowed. Link gives Medli some adorable present, and she's so overjoyed by it that she excitedly hugs his face into her chest.

Anything else is up to the artist, just make sure Medli has a nice pair of boobs not something gross. Older Link would probably be similar to his OoT self but who knows.

Thanks drawfag.

Requesting Elora and Spyro depicted as cryptids from Native American folklore.

>Elora as the Deer Woman
>Spyro as the Piasa Bird

Attached: mannitoo-oo.jpg (867x1050, 221.62K)

Requesting Pit from Kid Icarus working at the beach selling popsicles and popcorn

He is quite dumb so have Lady Palutena using different disguises to buy stuff from him

Have Dark Pit making fun of both

Requesting Older Nyakuza Hat Kid as the leader of her own criminal empire.

Please include a cat themed irezumi tattoo.

Attached: 15655522945980.png (1579x2080, 2.58M)

Big milkers

Requesting this with Rammy from Um Jammer Lammy

Attached: Guitar-played-with-FIRE.gif (640x360, 2.54M)

The biggest

Requesting a Thicc Artoria Pendragon showing off her body and wearing her bikini like in this ref pic:files.catbox.moe/wpdz96.png

Attached: Artoria_Archer_3.png (512x724, 309K)

Requesting Charlotta from GBF in bed listening to some music on oversized 80's style headphones. She's in pink hotpants with white heart pattern and a white tanktop. Cute pillows around her and wiggling her finger to the beat also. The song is "Stay With Me" by 7 million Dots. youtube.com/watch?v=oEREzJBnJC

Attached: Charlotta-bed-beat.jpg (1000x1000, 723.55K)

Requesting Isaac Clarke doing a zero gravity moonwalk

Attached: 1596185219138.jpg (401x660, 31.31K)

>inb4 payment methods
This shit never gets old
Blessed be this interaction

Requesting Min Min doing a new promo add for her ramen stand with her butt painted like two juicy pork buns.

Attached: min__min.jpg (721x1000, 855.2K)

That's what I want to draw.

They can be bigger
Just saying guys
Think about it

Requesting Captain Falcon saying
>"Winners don't do drugs!"
>"They gamble!"

Attached: cap.jpg (674x1024, 53.54K)

Requesting the bottom scenario with Gebura from Lobotomy Corporation suppressing the Queen of Hatred.

Attached: Disciplinary action.png (1512x1722, 1.52M)

Requesting Kazooie covering Banjo's eyes while blushing

Attached: bird.png (1305x799, 701.73K)

Requesting this with Simon and Dracula

Attached: 1596255568344.gif (256x192, 264.03K)

Requesting Tita Russell from the Trails games getting her hair cut off short

Attached: DF39FE71-9F93-4C2B-B9D7-F0AA5BB93A4F.png (689x1224, 633.05K)

Requesting smelly hobo Kat taking a bath

Attached: 1596288359926.jpg (1000x640, 76.19K)

Requesting a sexy catfight between Jaina and Y'shtola.

Attached: jainayshtolarequest.jpg (2004x2043, 657.75K)

Requesting Palutena looking down at her feet with the viewer seeing it from her perspective similarly to Tifa.

Attached: Palupov.png (2610x2532, 1.58M)

Seconding. In gif form if possible.

Requesting Cooking Mama branding your waifu's butt

Attached: 1592012850647.webm (640x640, 773.59K)

Requesting Warden having a lap dance from Iroha interrupted by the viewer of the image, with him wearing nothing but his helmet and boxers (think Ghosts 'n Goblins) clearly irritated even with no visible face, while she is wearing nothing but her maid bikini bottom, headpiece, and choker looking back with a cute surprised expression.

Attached: ref_sheet.png (1568x1374, 2.3M)

Requesting Rao from Okami revealing one of her breasts like this (doesn't have to be animated)

Attached: Rao.jpg (601x450, 66.37K)

Requesting Acerola and Moon, fully clothed, giving the BLUE PLATE SPECIAL in this exact angle:
No preference on which girl is on which end, but make the bj extra sloppy with dripping drool and spit bubbles.
urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Blue Plate Special

Attached: Them.png (775x775, 632.33K)


Requesting The Spirit Speed from Yoshi's Topsy-Turvy lewds.

Attached: 1596251849417.jpg (665x599, 52.1K)

Nah. Static is more than enough.

Requesting Pekora drawn in Rabi-Ribi style

Attached: Bunny girl.jpg (2088x2114, 616.39K)

Requesting a Jojo inspired pic of the Sunset Riders

Attached: Sunset.jpg (3296x3632, 2.6M)

Pekora is not a video game character. They are a let's player using an original anime character as an avatar.

Requesting this scene with Wario and Waluigi

Attached: 1595638190310.gif (320x240, 322.71K)

Requesting Jade from Dragon Quest 11 grinding on her polearm like a stripper pole similar to this:

Attached: Dragon_Quest_XI_-_Jade_image1.png (3536x3536, 3.61M)

He'll keep doing it until someone gets tired or falls for it, again.

Requesting a Zig Forumsidya girl of your choice making this face

Attached: 1596254160910.webm (320x610, 650.08K)

Seconding for wholesome /vr/ content

Requesting my MMO character from the game "Mabinogi" wearing a simple black two-piece swimsuit with one of those partially transparent beach black pareo skirt, similar to pic related, swimming in a cute seaside bar glass filled with a colorful non-alcoholic drink.

Character reference: i.imgur.com/fdxo87C.png
A swimsuit appearance (can use this one if you find the other swimsuit a bit too simple): i.imgur.com/QQnnMnZ.png

No lewd allowed, it will be ignored, instantly rejected and sealed away.

Please and thanks!

Attached: swimsuit2.png (800x600, 9.96K)

Requesting Mipha and Sidon playing hide and seek

Attached: 1596186914869.jpg (700x775, 104.31K)

Requesting "Big tiddy goth gf" Gothitelle

Attached: 1596237993660.png (800x800, 232.48K)