Is this the final frontier in text adventures and also coomer games?
Is this the final frontier in text adventures and also coomer games?
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Was trying to write an ntr scenario and the game just completely veers in a really retarded direction
Is it better to play on PC or mobile?
Sometimes it completely fucks up, I'm in a house but then suddenly I'm in a bar I kill somebody but they just keep coming back etc...
how can I make good coom histories with this. The AI make the characters do retarded things and the erp is not good
Infinitely better to play on PC imo, but that's just me.
Careful man, the mods hate ai dungeon for some reason
Every porn scenario I make to have a creative wank ends up spiraling into an S&M scenario
The fucker reads me perfectly, it's not even funny, it's scary
The coomers ruined it, no matter what you do it railroads you into some coomer shit.
Just babysit the AI
Make it remake nonsensical responses and edit ones that have potential but fail somewhere.
because people whined about it and it was moved to /vg/
They hate any genuine discussion about games. Just look at how rampant eceleb threads are
>create story
>soon girl gets introduced
>proceed to fuck the girl and make it a sex story even though it wasn't that to begin with and start jacking off
How do I stop bros?
I've had some great NTR scenarios with it so it can do them.
What the fuck is wrong with you
Did they nerf the free model? It's been shit for a month
They rolled out an update that fucked it up and then rolled it back. Griffin should be back to normal now.
I just want to watch my cute little sister and big breasted girlfriend get fucked by the school bullies while I am being forced to watch.
I've tried playing a "normal" game with it and it's the least interesting thing ever.
All it's good for is wank material.
Is the Dragon model upgrade good? Also is it available to play offline if I download the thing from github?
Dragon is insanely good.
There is no way to use it without forking cash out, right?
Not now, the AI is fucked on OpenAI's end. The patch basically killed any semblance of coherency that both models had.
Still does good porn tho.
Is there a version Zig Forums's using or just the regular AI Dungeon?
This is the one
You used to be able to get a trial for a week assume you still can.
Whatever happened to the forks Zig Forums made anyway?
This, I was hoping that I could get to play the game completely offline, the project is on github but it hasn't been updated in a while, I'm sure it's missing the latest model as well, any idea if it'll ever be downloadable?
Good to hear, I should try it again soon then
>want to mess around and make a lewd coom adventure featuring safe, fulltour vore
>worried about being tracked
I'm not retarded, am I?
>I'm not retarded, am I?
Make a dummy email account.
>good porn
Each time I try doing a lesbian scene the AI always thinks I am a man and I have to correct it.
This game is dangerous bros. Man wasn't meant for so many cooms and I have to keep introducing more extreme stuff to get the same level of cooms.
It would probably be years before consumer PCs are powerful enough to run the dragon model
I went as far as doing torture porn. Wtf is wrong with me?
It's fiction and no one gets hurt
So what's the problem?
Anyone know where i can get fun custom starts?
The AI doesn't know what split roasting is, also I really enjoy how its always stripping every other minute
It also tries to finish the sex scene in a few lines.
why te fuck this game changes "rape" to "show respect". I want a history where a bunch of women rape me
thats annoying too
Capitalize the first letter that is a quick fix for it.