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Video Games
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Video Games #5196
Video Games
Anyone else do this haha
Pm'd you the fix
How the FUCK do you stop this?
Is it better than enemy within?
Launch pubg
What's your favorite jackbox VIDEO GAME?
First Person only RPGS.......What's the point of customization again ?
Sony direct announced
Spirit emblems
Left skull: smash players
Ok guys, can we stop pretending this game feels bad to play...
Has a creepypasta ever given you the creeps?
No More Heroes 1 rated for Switch
Fucking kino. From are master storytellers
Enemies can door open but look
Be me
Star citizen is not a scam is a cult
This is the most cringe self-insert character ever
Is Lucina transgender?
Was he a good written character?
Game franchise features fluffy women
It's over
The average dark souls 2 player
New State Of Play announced for August 6
What is the most pretentious game you ever played?
Win7 bros
I cant beleive they saved warframe in one dev stream
Itt: the faces of Zig Forums
Western game hard mode
Who's the most awkward character in vidya?
The Ultimate Redpill
I finished DQXI for the first time and now I got a mermaid fetish
Will it be Redditcore or actually good like the Witcher 3 ?
Have you beaten Alatreon yet?
All games should have pet-able animals, preferably doggos
Has a game's success ever made you upset?
What's that one chuldhood game that you keep going back to user?
He emulates instead of collecting
Sony: PS4 controller is not supported by PS5 games
Risk of Rain
Craig the brute is now the official xbox mascot
Fairy Tail
Are you gonna buy her game?
Retrofitted my backpack to look like ellie's. thoughts?
The worst thing to happen to shooters ever since the loss of dedicated servers
What happened to the other half of the burrito after she put it in her pocket...
Jackbox Jackbox Jackbox
Working on a game
The front line system is the best combat system in any strategy game
Why did they open the floodgates on PC port begging?
Reel tawk
Epic games store
Zig Forums hates game
What's the most British videogame?
Chinese games will force players to use their real names
Update day thread! What do you think of the new story fight that just got added?
Game has unavoidable deaths
This is unironically one of the greatest vidya successes in the history of the industry
Sakurai turns 50 today!
Game with main character getting raped in it
If this isn't platinums best game, it's definetly in the top 3
What's your favorite spaceship from a video game?
Here your PS5 prices bro
Why aren't you playing pokken?
It's definitely getting a sequel either on the Switch or it's successor...
Ft. Mangs needs you, my leige
LOU2 was playable kino
Dude just build a PC lmao
What games let me break a girl's heart so badly she goes insane?
What was the biggest graphical leap you've witnessed?
A different kind of 3x3 thread
Ehhhhh you still haven't built a gaming PC, user?!?
For me it's the Korean 1440p monitors
Fell asleep during vidya
CHina is ba
Warhammer games thread
If you say something bad or critique wow, the players and community will agree with you
Want a Game Boy Micro cause they're rad looking
Spend $3000 on computer components
What're Zig Forums's thoughts on Spore?
Play online game
Zig Forums shits on a game
ITT: We make vidya related/inspired masks
Advance Wars 5 is coming soon... r-r-r-right bros?
ITT: Shit that scared you as a kid
"Beat the first level!"
"here is your cyberpunk 2077 music bro"
How do we save it ?
Hey Zig Forumstards, what is your favorite indie games made by only ONE developer?
Battlestation thread
Why you didnt fight this thing in the game ?
He kinda has a point
Getting into PC gaming is so easy bro
Cock massage
Filename Thread
Try Phantasy Star Online 2 on Microsoft Store
The game that filtered RE4 casuals
I'm sure glad I spent my teenage years in front of my computer playing video games!
New gen, same old tired sony bullshit
You followed the prescript right manager?
No wonder PS5 going to have digital edition
I like DS2
Name 2 rat videogames
He killed thousands
Did you know that Greece was actually real and not just something that Ubisoft made up?
Why aren't there more games where you play as animals? I want a fighting game but it's animals, animal deathmatch
I don't enjoy playing video games anymore
Wtf Tim ???
Why do people still play this?
Take a name of a game, and replace one word with the word nigger
What's the best video game to play for MASTURBATION?
Why do gaystation zealots try to claim their shit consoles are the apex of gaming?
Hands down the best movie tie in game
That kid that made a vidya presentation
Whats the best naruto game?
What the fuck did they do to this game?
Guity Gear
You did do this level, right Zig Forums?
Chad Warden thread got deleted
Fact 1#: Everybody likes monster girls
CDPR is based. They made all these 'woke' ads in the game that are obviously exaggerated, it's like a parody...
Which console do you guys like the most?
What is your rarest achievement?
Hey Zig Forums
Post your Steam recently played
What's next for Crash Bandicoot?
Did you become a better or worse person thanks to video games, Zig Forums?
Neverwinter Nights 2 : The Underrated Gem
Musou thread
Ghost of Tsushima
I think I finally understand why japanese games are better
What games cater to the homosexual gaze? I'm horny as fuck and I want a game I can coom to
Chocolate bros we got too cocky
Which game had the best Varia Suit?
I don't get it. Where's the problem? The game looks better than DS and it runs better...
Death Stranding
Should video games present ethnical dilemmas?
Is Dark Souls considered an RPG? If so, they're no longer allowed in Zig Forums?
Free shit
Zig Forums says Destiny 2 sucks
We must stand together against this sea of mediocrity
What's a good mouse for vidya games
After seeing the turnaround when it comes to Death Stranding, will we see the same thing here with Aloy's game?
Literally the best castlevania
Why is VR so based?
Toned down snake's ass & samus's breasts
Am I the only one that plays video games on Easy difficulty? Why would you ever waste your time playing HARD mode?
It's hard to find a more wholesome game than the Tony Hawk games. No bullshit story, no lofty point to make...
Battletoads thread
I want to get into the racing genre
Most famous creepypasta is now soulless capeshit
TLOU Sarah thread
Dude, slavery
Zig Forumsidya Draw Thread
Thoughts on 3D World?
Restarting in 3
Explain why Souls-Like games should or shouldn't have an easy/medium difficulty without spouting buzzwords
$34.99 before taxes. Is this worth it?
Do you remember the good old days of Maplestory?
Game had disease debuffs
Nioh 2
You kill a boss, but get BTFO in the following cutscene
I want to try this game but I'm flat broke. Is there somewhere I can torrent it? I can't find it anywhere
Spyro 4
It's gonna suck isn't it
I am a Bloodborne lore sage. Ask me about Bloodborne lore. Dark Souls lore sage stay out. I read what you said about me
Halo Infinite
You're laughing. I just saw an anime tiddy on a blue board and you're laughing
Main love interest is a giant
Why did people buy the PS2 when the Xbox was strong enough that it got many PC ports the PS2 couldn't even run?
Has a game ever made you personally root against the protagonist
Thoughts on female characters with outfits like these?
Any games that cap this feel?
Hitler reference in new mario game
Sniper needs two bodyshots or one headshot to kill
3x3 Thread
Skull Face
Who was your favourite starter pokemon? Pic rel was mine
Wart is in Super Mario Bros. 2
Oh come in user, you came for your examination right?
Friday Night Battlestation Thread
Cheer when the bad guy is winning
I just rediscovered this video game storybook I wrote nearly 20 years ago lying in a box...
Are you going to buy Overwatch 2, user?
No More Heroes rated for Switch by Taiwan
Are fps games for retards?
ITT: Games nobody played but you
Why is the PS5 so big?
Far Cry 4 is the best in the series
ITT: We predict the changes to RE4make
Ah! user-kun, こんにちは!
As I replay the campaign
When is that oblvion gate in Portland going to close?
Paid someone $300 to get this gun for me. Now I wait
Game presents you with a choice
Why is it so shit?
There are people on Zig Forums who not only bought this garbage...
Do you still pirate bibio games?
How much did aesthetics play into getting you to play fighting games?
This game was just as detrimental to the franchise as 06 was...
She's right you know
Boss has a non obvious weakpoint you can use to avoid combat altogether
Why are female characters in modern Japanese games
All your friends from school who were good at video games are complete losers now
Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 - Playable Zelda?
Get off Zig Forums and go play vidya instead
I found my box of PS2 games, some of them still in plastic from the late 2000s. How rich will I be when I sell them?
What went wrong?
Who's your favorite fighting game character?
Bloodstained Curse of the Moon 2
Why don't you kids like Shantae anymore?
The Royce/Malestrom mission from the CP2077 gameplay has 12 (TWELVE) different endings
Zig Forums says game is good
Why is Nintendo brain-dead? Any other company would've done this right at launch
What went rong?
Is that... a Goomba... wearing a HAT!?!?
Games that confirmed to take place in the same universe have an entirely different tone and theme
Do it son
Fun games
ITT: games where you play as the bad guy
Roblox thread
Is it fun?
Every game in the series is exactly the fucking same what the fuck kind of series is this
Be 343 industries
Two hours in now and it's still shit, when does it get good?
Tifa Lockhart
Maybe I'm just retarded, but Fall Guys looks like fun
We live in a timeline where Liru's game released
Bioshock thread
Backlog thread
Blood Money is the best Hitma-
Who wants to talk about video games? I do!
Splinter Cell is getting a Netflix anime
ITT: worst developers of all time
Fallout gun mods
The worst thing a game can be is B O R I N G
Picross for DS
Bulborb club
It's pretty good
BREAKING: SONY PlayStation 5 Patent LEAKED, Base Model Lifecycle To Be Shorter
This game is fucking retarded
Why did Game Freak backpedal so hard on Lusamine's insanity and cruelness?
Would you join?
How long until this burns and crashes?
100% Orange Juice thread
What's the best controller?
How different would total war warhammer be if lustria contained lizardwomen?
Did YOU defeat the Ender Dragon, user?
Risk of Rain
It's time for some Epic Mafia
Here’s a screenshot to tie you over
He doesn't max INT+DEX
ITT post video game character costume swaps
Wifi users almost 60% in fighting games
Xbox Series X is THE platform for gaming, if you disagree you are a shill
Why does this get me hard?
ITT: best black characters
What are some good rhythm games?
Tfw reaction chad
Whats Zig Forums opinion on gamecube's games
Video games have gone too far
Bonne jeux!
What broke in your life?
Game introduces alt-right character
Why did rhythm games fall out of favor since the early 2000s?
Worst franchises
Smash Rosterfag Thread
DAH Mosaic thread
Why is Battle Royale royale so popular?
If there was ever a Team Fortress 3, what would you want?
Game has NTR
What was your favorite WoW expansion?
Who died on your very first playthrough?
Super Mario Zig Forumsorld 2 (Thread 2/31)
Party Van
Mods refuse to create a board dedicated to ecelebs
Megaman just defeated the character you last played as. what does he get?
XCucks/PC Virgin users are SEETHING right now. Both are gonna be obliterated, prove me wrong retards
Halo 2 thread
I am poor 33 years old dude from russia
Bombergirl thread
So what exactly was the central message of this game? That violence and revenge are bad...
Why won't developers design the insides of characters' models?
He did nothing wrong
What was the best fighting game this gen, talking ps4 xbox one switch and pc
Do you think Dark Souls has had a net positive or negative effect on the video games industry?
Why people still play this game when League has like 5x more players?
Nvm fixed it
In a few days I will celebrate my 30th birthday alone
Would you ever own an arcade cabinet?
What are your honest thoughts on this company?
Why is the third game always the best in the series?
ITT: Games Zig Forums tricked you into playing
Would you play if it came to Steam?
This is a better God of War than God of War
>is the best story choices matter "game" ever
Has a game ever been too scary for you?
I listen to music from video games exclusively
Should I play Divinity or Baldurs Gate?
The stormcloaks are in the right, they're just going about it in a crude fashion
Reminder that there is nothing wrong with coom games, they're better for you than mobs, shooters and battle royales
Hasn’t been in a mainline Zelda game since OoT
Too scary
Games for this type of feel?
Mario Kart
What was the point of this scene?
What am i getting into?
Which videogame characters kneel?
It's my turn now!
Sekiro has been platinumed by 9.0% of players on PS4
Evangelion vidya
What killed the hype for Animal Crossing?
*drops mic*
Well, Zig Forums?
You have twenty (20) seconds to justify not playing survival MMOs...
What did Zig Forums think of Silent Hill 4?
Best shooter of the generation
"it will take YEARS for PC to catch up with the PS5's 5.5 GB/s SSD!"
What is your favorite shipping archetype in video games?
What did he mean by this?
What was the earliest game you remember playing? For me it was Cod2 360
I fucking hate Nekkers
Kill la Kill IF
No remasters no remakes no sequels
Weekly Saturday night chair thread
Trump jokes in the new ratchet and clank
Why the FUCK is this game so expensive? I feel like it's only gone up in price over the past few months
Just a few days away
Shit that makes you drop a game
I'm thinking about playing the PoE in preparation for Avowed. What am in for? Is the story good? How is the combat?
Is this the best final boss in gaming, Zig Forums?
Why/how the fuck was he so resistant to the warp?
What fighting games does Zig Forums play?
Smash Ultimate
This is the future of games, whether you like it or not
Direct Mini Aug. 2020
Tfw reactionlet
Share your Spore Creature Zig Forums
Post the last vidya you played but replace one word with "Incel"
Lord DIO is now the next boss in whatever you were last playing...
Bloodborne II announcement at State of Play in 4 days from now
Queen's of Quarantine All Women Tournament and the top two are trans
Anime game
Hows does Zig Forums feel about Resistance?
ITT: Post a random non-vidya wallpaper from your folder and get a game recommendation based on it
This kills the cyberpunk
Gacha is a legitimate form of vidya
Guilds are now autisticly mass reporting players in Silithus for doing the war effort because they want scarab lord for...
Are you ready for Toby to release another modern classic?
Are you buying FIFA 21?
The most underrated weapon in Devil May Cry
Is it a trap to play games that don't end?
Now that you're past your edgy phase, can you finally admit you really liked this game?
Zig Forumsidya Draw Thread
Should Project L have singleplayer?
Which console generation was worse? 7th or 8th?
Times at which Zig Forums lost
Guys, this is it. Shes amongst the top 5 waifus ever created
Who's worse?
Why are PC gamers all talk but never support the little guy?
This is the best multiplayer shooter since Battlefield 2. Why aren't you playing it?
What's the greatest unsolved mystery in vidya?
Let me read a letter I recently received. "Dear Dr. Breen...
How do you feel about gacha games?
Emulator thread...
Literally all polls point to PS5 taking the overwhelming lead
Zig Forums dads
Why do people think this art style looks good? its fugly
Game kills the ONLY character with an actual personality in the game at the very beginning
How do be get rid of scum like this?
What the FUCK?
Tits are too big
Why are these games so forgettable despite each and every single big-time 3D game being a complete system seller or...
Games about rape?
What’s the best TMNT game in the world?
Is there any other game that gets the same universal respect that Team Fortress 2 gets from the wider gaming community?
When will it be our turn Mariobros?
Snoys tell me this game is a worthwhile exclusive
What games would Zig Forums buy if they didn't have to pay rent?
Who are responsible for the modern JRPGs being a shallow coombait?
Skater XL
Why the fuck is this allowed?
Post the last vidya you played
Female Armor
Here you go elden fags
How are you people actually defending this game?
Is a Switch Lite worth buying?
What if we took a serious stealth game series
Shills and shit posters aside, is it actually good?
Am I the only one who found the modern day stuff and precursor shit more interesting than the historical set peices...
Game has a sten gun
ESA Summer Online
When did WoW stop being fun?
Why isn't this game more popular?
How does Zig Forums feel when devs insult the players who invest the largest amounts of time into their games?
So now that most of the MCC games have dropped on PC can we all agree that the MP in this game was a giant piece of...
Nioh 2 DLC
Persona thread
Barricade your homes
Fan translation adds memes and pop culture references
Actually, it won't sell like crazy
Beat it
Is "The Halo Cycle" real?
Zig Forums, you're on the horn
How's your summer going Zig Forums?
Dragons in videogames
It's a ringworld level
Will you now buy developers game?
Flavor of the month
SFV the greatest fighting game of all time
Do games that make Zig Forums seethe make you like them even more?
In terms of exclusives, which one is truly better?
For me it's PlayStation®5 Digital Edition
ITT: Best games to play while high
Oh, there once was a hero named Ragnar the Red
Interview about how IS is being actively restricted goes out
Five Nights at Freddy's
Use in-game chat
This is Bullet, she's a meme and nobody likes playing as her because she sucks
Abbys workout found
Lego Super Mario
Post vidya redesigns
Choose honestly
Real talk, has Zig Forums ever gotten into a game only because of a cute girl design?
Why couldn't Capcom just stick with this formula and engine? Why did they have to ruin the series?
Harry Potter
Console niggas be like:
A bunch of fighting games are on sale on the nintendo e-shop...
So this is pretty much universally agreed upon right?
Now that the dust has settled, what's the verdict on Three Houses?
*tickles your hand*
Ultimately, Abby was the best thing about TLOU2. The character and narrative was perfect and satisfying
Now that the dust has practically settled, was it really even worse than the ps3?
Why is there so much female bullying in video games?
Azur Lane
Tf2 will never get updated
Hot take
Females litteraly dont play these games. Is it to hard for their baby brains?
Is this the final frontier in text adventures and also coomer games?
Ride into the sunset to rise someone elses daughter
Destroy All Humans Remake
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine