Launch pubg

>Launch pubg
>tfw too poor to own a webcam
>close game out of frustration
>Flashbang flies into your bedroom window, blinding you
>You wake up days later, cold as fuck, several others tied up with you

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>implying that West wouldn't implement something like this to combat racism, homophobia and misoginism online
It's just the matter of time.

Fuck no, that would never happen in Europe. USA, sure.

What happened to never giving out your real name online?

the difference between China and the West is that China isn't run by cannibal pedophiles and actually believe in what they're doing. They're going to ditch the US dollar and introduce a gold backed currency. Pretty fucking ironic communists are the ones doing this, but not one pure Western democracy.

>Fuck no, that would never happen in Europe. USA, sure.
>implying the EU wouldn't do it and then eurofags would make fun of Americans for caring about "muh freedumbs"
LOL which country protects property rights and actual free speech again?
inb4 >EU >country lol it fucking is nigga your "country" is a EU subdivision


>that would never happen in Europe

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facebook and google. and now all the younger people in our guild use everyones real names. while the older ones still use our character names.

if it stops cheaters, fucking bring it in. cheating in one game bans them across all games? yes please.

tired of these fucking losers.

imagine getting this butthurt over a joke lmao

Most of the tech behind this is straight up made by western companies, who are shilling it to governments and corps over here to make even more profit.
China is the successor dystopia's R&D department.

>>tfw too poor to own a webcam

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normies got onto the internet
I mean normies by ~2010 standards

That's my experience too, it's so bizarre seeing younger people using their real names and uploading their photos online.

>no more online games
ok, who cares?

Cyberspace has become Normiespace. Sadly, the World Wide Web's Wild Wild West era is long gone.

>that would never happen in the EU
Remind me how many people have been arrested in America because they said mean things online.

>Drink Verification can to continue.

>playing pubg

You scum deserve it

Imagine being Chinese.

Just let them know that 六四坦克人天安门 Tiananmen Square Protest 1989 赵紫阳 Zhao Ziyang 坦克人 Free Tibet 伟大的防火墙 Go Hong Kong 专政習近平小熊维尼 Winnie the Pooh

One can only hope.

Bumb (cocain pls)

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in UK? easily

You get butthurt when you are paid to get butthurt.

Terajima Ryoko

that's only ironic if you don't actually understand what communism is

Didn’t France recently issue one of those British porn license laws ?

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is that from the pokemong tcg gameboy color game

Listen to this EU cuck, freedom of speech in Europe is already nonexistant.

Yeah, she’s the water card gym leader and my wife

You faggots can still postpone or even avoid this kind of shit by using and advocating free (as in libre) and open source software

t. chinese agent