Gacha is a legitimate form of vidya

gacha is a legitimate form of vidya

Attached: 630348 bikini_armor cleavage fate_grand_order ishtar_(fate_grand_order) star741 thighhighs.jpg (2116x3091, 652.17K)

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What about it

my wife is perfect

just get to the point and post her feet already

Don't post her feet
Post her ass

Doesn't mean it's not scummy as hell

wheres the feet

I only say it aint because I dont wanna share a board with you loons

Post her thighs.

Attached: ishtar_.jpg (850x1203, 337.29K)

she has very aesthetic feet

Attached: 66bcce4d7b9b03777c6041d38dbeed25.png (1299x1812, 1.86M)

gacha is a legitimate form of vidya

Attached: 1481050789924.png (1237x1520, 935.6K)

my hotwife ishtar's feet

Attached: 4902.jpg (850x593, 95.38K)

She'd look better pregnant with fatter tits desu

My wife is perfect.

Attached: AA74EA28-4011-457A-B818-398E9C5AF269.jpg (1024x351, 54.12K)

maybe if you have brain damage and don't have anything but a phone to play on

Imagine being so desperate you play these games and make excuses. No I do not play anything similar to gacha even if it is western made, fuck off and have standards

I see a peeking pooper.

some of them are but fart/grand odor definitely isn't


Attached: __ishtar_and_ishtar_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_den_kur0_yuki__e37bdea56f5f3e16fbd31c2b5364ed96.jpg (675x1063, 362.14K)

In what world?

The porn is great atleast.

Attached: Untitled.png (521x594, 623.18K)

it makes /vg/ trannies seethe since their circlejerk threads go to page 10

imagine putting your face here and inhaling

Attached: __ishtar_and_ishtar_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_koshio__d3a59299f4c333506d34e0cec54d8839.jpg (650x950, 525.58K)

To all you footfags, what do you do with feet sexually? Just give the big toe a blowjob?

If gacha is a legitimate form of vidya then so is gambling

I still have no fucking idea what gacha or touhou is. Even after seeing screenshots of touhou i still don't understand it. Is it some strange meme that compels everyone to like it? It looked like a cheap phone game made by a newbie dev

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Attached: illust_83404478_20200802_191516.jpg (516x729, 119.56K)

why is tohsaka wearing that outfit?

it's bullet hell

>dont know what gacha is
What kinda sheltered world do you live in?

>the whore of babylon
the day nasu dies it will be the day when fate shit will end, and no pact with the chaos gods will keep him alive

i think it's a humiliation thing or something along those lines

Autists constantly dismiss gacha games as “jpg collectors” and call us whales while simultaneously paying $60 for their glorified interactive movies several times a year

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Gacha isn't videogames, it's a playtime filling monetization method of games that exist within periodic releases, typically coexisting with ridiculous amounts of grinding

Tohsaka is playing meatsock to a whore goddess because she lusts after the treasury of Babylon

Gacha is a type of game where characters or units are locked behind rng. While you can earn in-game currency to "roll" for characters in the hopes for what you want its typically faster to pay real money and buy that currency to roll more until you get what you want. Pretty sure the name comes from the similarity to those toy capsule machines you might have seen.
Touhou is a single player bullet hell game series made by 1 guy, which is why it looks so cheap you. Hes been working on these games for over 2 decades so there are over a dozen of them. The games world of Gensokyo had enough cute girls, the game itself was fun/challenging enough, and the music was good enough to help it take off as a popular series and generate massive amounts of doujin material, which you might better understand as fanmade content.
Please lurk for another 3 years now.