Gacha is a legitimate form of vidya

she has very aesthetic feet

Attached: 66bcce4d7b9b03777c6041d38dbeed25.png (1299x1812, 1.86M)

gacha is a legitimate form of vidya

Attached: 1481050789924.png (1237x1520, 935.6K)

my hotwife ishtar's feet

Attached: 4902.jpg (850x593, 95.38K)

She'd look better pregnant with fatter tits desu

My wife is perfect.

Attached: AA74EA28-4011-457A-B818-398E9C5AF269.jpg (1024x351, 54.12K)

maybe if you have brain damage and don't have anything but a phone to play on

Imagine being so desperate you play these games and make excuses. No I do not play anything similar to gacha even if it is western made, fuck off and have standards

I see a peeking pooper.

some of them are but fart/grand odor definitely isn't


Attached: __ishtar_and_ishtar_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_den_kur0_yuki__e37bdea56f5f3e16fbd31c2b5364ed96.jpg (675x1063, 362.14K)