Did you complete it yet?
Fairy Tail
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That looks so fucking amateur level.
>have baked lighting on the models
>add soft realtime 3d shading to it
What do you do in it? How's the gameplay?
Same as The Last Remnant but smaller zones
I refuse to buy it out of principle. Post-release censorship is a shitty behavior and shouldn't be financially rewarded.
I don't buy censored shit. California can fuck theirselves.
>censor game after people paid for it
Imagine still paying for games.
>people who don't care about game bully publisher/dev into censoring it
>people who actually bought the game refund it because of censorship
So did these retards win their job in the lottery or something?
Why does this keep happening?
The saddest part about these games is that they have little to none voice acting.
A game, based on anime, that's moving pictures fully voice acted, gets barely any voice acting.
Yakuza was also shit because of it.
>a few people on Zig Forums only who bought the game refund it because of censorship
>Can't add best girl to your team
Maybe it will be DLC
Only temporary
Will there be mods for this?
What was censored?
by complete you mean drop it after 20 minutes because its low efford dogshit, yes i completed it
oh and did i mention the black void censoreship patch yet?
there were actually modeled panties
That's kind of half assed. I don't know why you would adopt Fairy Tail of all things if pantsu upsets you.
is it unfucked on PC, at least?
i pirated pc version and no its already fixed
fuck this shit
How backwards, even Atelier lets you see modeled underwear if you get really creative with camera screw since it's usually set in a way that doesn't.
That's a shame. I'm still going to pirate it to see if it's decent since I never got the appeal of panty shots, but I'm not going to buy.
I have no idea what this game is like. Is it a 1v1 arena fighter like literally any other anime game? Is it a linear level after level game? Is it a hub based game with an illusion of free roam? Is it an open world game?
its really not worth a pirate
maybe if it gets some mods
its really low efford shit
5vs5, teleport from zone to zone and defeat enemies. Gameplay and artstyle is solid so it's fun to play even with the tiny areas. It will pack the story and endgame into the same areas over and over but with different new enemies and dialogues.
Well 5 on your team*
>pick Erza
>win every fight because she is Erza
Why is this allowed?
I pirated it and dropped it after 1hr it's just terrible in every aspect.
They should just adapt Eden's Zero then, Becca went nopan throughout almost an entire arc.
It gets harder when you get S class quests. Just like in the Anime.
>if you get really creative with camera
Yes, and with fairy tail you have a photo mode which would allow you take upskirts anytime you want. How you're able to obtain the pantyshots does make a difference
Nope, far from it, I'm playing it right now, just started chapter 7 right after finishing the GMG and getting the new Guild, I'm slowly enjoying the game to its fullest and not rushing it at all
Honestly having a ton of fun, way more than I thought I would, I just wish there were more characters I like avaiable to play as, who the fuck asked for Sting and Rogue?
The game was already censored before it was released, only the costume in your pic got the day 1 patch.
Sting is a qt.
Ichiya is too good for this game.
As was the case
Also censored
Didn't even bother pirating, it looked kinda shit.
how did they even do his voice in the anime?