>anime game
>guess it can't be helped
Anime game
Other urls found in this thread:
>something unexpected happens
I know this triggers (You) but that's an english phrase.
Even if you say that...
>westcuck game
>guess it can't be helped
Keep hitting me sweetie.
>Anime game
>English voice acting is bottom of the barrel, almost as if they picked random people from the street
>Japanese voice acting is incomprehensible "KYAAAA YAMETE" sounds
>characters constantly trail their sentences off
>characters constantly say the name of a person they care about, and trail off
I get this must be normal in japanese, but it comes off really awkward in English.
>So this is the power of [X]
>At any rate
A translation.
>Its time...I'll have to use.. THAT
*Japanese gasping sounds*
*person falls over and puts their feet in the air*
>Japanese game
>"Long time no see"
>Even so.
>im not x at all
>constant dramatic pauses
>some dumb poetic quote that doesnt make sense at all with the story but was thrown in to sound cool
Japs are fucking hacks
Like chinese, but a bit smarter, but still chinese
>ara ara~
>guess it can't be helped
What is this phrase in japanese? I hera it all the time in english but never in jap.
boku no pico
You're posting on a anime themed website.
sho/shikata ga nai
You're 100 years too early to defeat me!
>supposedly "anime" game
>it's actually way more like Disney/Looney Tunes
>All the characters have nicknames
election tourist
>western game
>Every character and NPC in the world has the same pool of 10 gestures they can do to express their feelings during conversation, undermining even what is, sometimes, the best voiceacting in the game
>character says something dramatic
>other characters replies with their name followed by a pause
>Japanese game
>Every other sentence is just ",,,"
That's most Japanese games as well.
It hurts way more with the "realistic" aesthetic. Anime games are still cartoon characters, but when Geralt of Rivia does the exact same gesture Skinny McPasture man just did it breaks the entire bullshit "immersion" western devs seem to aim for all the time.
>anime plot
>guy with glasses pushes them up his face
>the lens have a glare when he does that
its cuz an american help make it
>cliche anime trope
do Nips really?