What killed the hype for Animal Crossing?

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the game doesn't feel finished.

Unfinished game where all your doing now is waiting for content from old games to be added

i played as a matter of routine since launch, but had to take a break a few weeks ago. not playing for five days is enough to make someone realise how pointless such a shallow life sim is.

They didn't finish the game

Lack of furniture. Furniture sets and room designing was what end-game Animal Crossing was all about. There'd be several ways to work towards getting different furniture sets, a la Mermaid set. It feels like all you get is a couple of crafting recipes and your housing options are incredibly limited for decoration.

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Nintendo released a fucking minimum viable product and charged 60 dollars for it.

The lack of new Egyptian cat hentai

What's the point of this thread?

Besides crying about Nintendo.

time traveling faggots and degenerates trampling over each other for specific villagers

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I just had a hell of a good time with Ankha, Chachamaru and Kabuki on the first fireworks show in my island!

It was a blast.

What's the point of anything retard?

this way they keep adding content and the game feels fresh every couple months

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Doesn't encourage enough /hmofa/

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Lol here's mine

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They're just adding features that were already in the last games

this way they keep adding content and the game feels fresh every couple months.

Plus i never played animal crossing before so i don't care.

This. I don't want to wait for January to go full weeb on my island and even then, the furniture would be lackluster compared to other games and Pocket Camp.

This. I got the house with all rooms in the first 3 weeks. But there is not a furniture set worth to collect... I have a lava floor and wall but there is no furniture set for that. It´s awful.

Online is pointless.

Visit someones town and then what? At least in old games you could randomly meet new people which was interesting

>Give pirate items to gulliver so that now Pascal gives you mermaid recipes
>Having to invent a new version of gulliver just to add pirate furniture when pascal already did that

Sums up the asinine decisions in this game.

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>No content
>Whatever little there is it's dripfeeded like crazy
>Literally the same game since 2001
If you played past AC you saw it coming.

The game came out over 4 month ago.
People posted about it for a rather long time.
What "hype" are you even looking for at this point?

The writing is at an all-time low.
If I dig up a single fossil, the following day I'll have 7/10 villagers commenting on it.

numale crossing belongs on /vg/

>literally the same game since 2001
Not true
A lot of content has been removed since the 2001 version.

better than NL, not that that's saying much


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it's the nature of all animal crossing games. game is meant to be played five minutes a day, but 90% of players play it a ton for a month and then drop it. it's honestly the one nintendo IP that should just be a mobile game, it has the exact same model as all mobile games

>Cranky villager
>Not cranky but a cool dude

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very little content in a game you're supposed to play every day, way too RNG reliant, also the QoL is still pretty shit

How would that feel, being kicked with soft pawpads?

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why do people say this as if a few extra piece of furniture would make a difference in this game having staying power

people played it bosessively for hours and hours for a week and then immediately got burn-out. It's not a satisfying game to play because it doesn't have a proper ending.

Post your town, fag.

For the time being. Assuming they get to support the game for three years like they said they wanted to, we're bound to get some actually new features eventually.


I wasn't talking just about furniture all of the recent updates have just been adding New Leaf features.