what's Zig Forums's thoughts on this, if any? preorders open at 0800 PST, and i'm very excited to get it
How does it work again and what does it emulates
Like do I need an extra cartridge
no emulation, it's basically just a super modern gameboy that can play GB/C/A games (and 3 other non-nintendo handhelds with adapters). you could use a flash cart for emulation if you're wanting. all the details are on their site, it's pretty fucking sick
how is nintendo not slapping a C&D on this thing
if it doesn't have a crank i'm not interested
they care more about their games being emulated. this uses modern hardware to play original cartridges. not really anything illegal afaik, since they did something similar with the sega genesis.
still waiting for the day those open for preorders... shit i want a playdate so badly
Do the have the ability to use the gba to gamecube link cable
What law are they breaking?
Heh, if I can make me a flash cart with every GB game ever I'll probably get one
yup, has link cable compatibility, so pretty much anything should still work... there is an HDMi dock that they're releasing too that has 8bitdo compatibility, so that might work better than a gamecube lmao
GBA flash carts exist, and you can get huge ass microSDs, nothing's stopping you (i'm planning on doing the same)
Just get an everdrive and download a complete nointro set.
It comes with an SD card slot.
They're reproducing a patented product both in aesthetic and function and slapping some Samsung shit in there for good measure. People usually call that "China" but in this case it's OK.
i'm awake at 0330 to spend money, i don't think i'm being paid lmao
true, but it has no emulation capabilities.
Preorder something to get it a year later
Outrageous shipping prices
No thanks
which patent specifically
Can you just use a flash cart with games from multiple systems instead of buying an adapter?
Or I could just use the GBC, GBA, DS and 3DS that I have sitting around. What a dumb product.
>patented product
Which patent, exactly?
> both in aesthetic and function
If that were the case no other portable system would exist.
am broke so not gonna buy it, still, it looks pretty nice
I've heard that they're saying that to avoid any legal issues, but I feel like even so-a "fan patch" or something will come out shortly after release.
i live an hour east of seattle, and analogue is based in seattle... so... not much for me.
good question, and i'm not too sure, honestly. don't think it'd work tho, since the adapter is meant so it can be played on the device...if that makes sense.
a fully modded GBA would be more than this, actually. i have the same thing on my 3ds with cfw, but i still want to have the feel of classic hardware.
then use the fan patch, if not, then just get a flash cart. ez.
just realized i replied twice to the same reply, but tl;dr, i don't think it'd work, since you can't put game gear games on a gba flash cart and play it on an og gba
You're not fooling anyone, and you're obviously not from around here.
why the fuck would i advertise on Zig Forums of all places, where i know most of the conversations don't revolve around gameboy games
don't think they'd be happy with me saying faggot or having the name as "lord vader" either, even if i was sponsored, i'm just a wagie trying to enjoy shit
this is some pretty obvious shilling, guy. try harder next time, and with a less shit product.
almost asked why ppl thought i was shilling and then i noticed i mentioned when preorders opened
you're free to believe what you want, i was just trying to see what people thought, and you think it's a shit product, so thx
Why would I not just buy a bittboy v3 and emulate?
oops I already bought a bittboy v3 and I'm emulating
haha get DABBED on idiots
i have cfw on my 3ds and i'm still getting this, so c'est la vie
>Can't emulate games