Why couldn't Capcom just stick with this formula and engine? Why did they have to ruin the series?

Why couldn't Capcom just stick with this formula and engine? Why did they have to ruin the series?

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They have to innovate. By the time 6 rolled around action RE was getting a little stale. It sucks that they went in the wrong direction though.

Because of a bunch of faggots that complained: "MUH SURVIVAL HORROR DOE", and then they received RE7 and praised that shit as if it was anything good (despite the game going into full action game towards the end). Now we'll never see the best take on the series again.

Zombies are not and will NEVER be scary. RE action games are vastly superior.

That formula wasn't working.
4 Sold like shit compared to the classics.
5 Showed that you don't rely on the fanbase for sales, marketing is what generates sales.
6 Tried to be an action movie with similar production values.
7 Appealed to the youtube watchers and streamers.

4 is not getting a proper remake.
4 literally fucked the lore of the series over big time, even 5 had to pull shit out of it's ass to try and get the train back on the tracks.
If 4 gets the REmake 2/3 treatment shit will be unrecognisable.
If you seriously think they are going to stick with Las Plagas and just take the series down the same route it went down you are sadly mistake
Like this utter retard.

Cause RE6 was the worst reviewed game in the series

>4 Sold like shit compared to the classics.

>calling others retarded

Attached: you.jpg (271x186, 6.9K)

>4 literally fucked the lore of the series over big time
Ur small time

>4 literally fucked the lore of the series over big time
But it didn't. The only thing RE4 did to the lore was put it behind it to expand past Umbrella. Also seeing that Umbrella Chronicles came out 2 years later to fill out the gaps between CV and 4, it seemed like it was always Capcom's intentions to start new with 4.

RE4 is the game that ruined the series. You are a game journalist or a zoomer if you think otherwise.

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>RE4 is the game that ruined the series.
Yeah, it did. The game was so good that its impossible for them to make a game even a fraction as good.

>haha the lebbit switcharoo xD
Thanks for proving my point.

I'm 34 you dumb nigger

34 and the mind of a child. Sad.


You didn't make a fucking point. You made statement without saying anything to back it up. At least what I said what true, there hasn't been a game as good as RE4 since.

Are you retarded? 5 was a shitty 4 clone with co-op. They did exactly that

>2005 game
>Implying the majority of zoomers are mid-late 90ers when in fact most zoomers were born around the release of the game early-mid 00s

>hasn't been a game as good as RE4 since.
RE7 and REmake 2 are both objectively superior to Call of Resident Evil 4. Go back to lebbit you dumb cunt zoomer.

>4 literally fucked the lore of the series over big time
that was CV, and it culminated with the abomination of a game that was 6

>5 was a shitty 4 clone
F uuuuuu

>objectively superior
>Can't explain why without autistically screeching buzzwords
>Too much of a fucking beta faggot to spell out reddit as if its a bad word
And this is why RE4 is the best game ever, it makes stupid retards zoomers like you seethe.

The "classic" RE games are shit, deal with it bitch boi

RE7 is a garbage outlast ripoff and REmake 2 is heavily inspired by 4. You are literally too stupid to have an opinion.

>is heavily inspired by 4
how so?

Pretty much all the mechanics.

>REmake 2 is heavily inspired by 4
Only in terms of camera angle, you dumb nigger zoomer.

>Only in terms of camera angle
How is it possible to be this stupid? Seriously

which ones though?

>RE7 is a garbage outlast ripoff
Don't care, still better than RE4 because it is a horror game and not an action zoomer game.
>REmake 2 is heavily inspired by 4
Other than camera angles, it has taken nothing from RE4. REmake 2 is an actual well designed horror game, whereas RE4 is an action game with horror elements (ie: horror is secondary in RE4).

>action zoomer game.
The series as been action since RE1, you fucking faggot.

I see you have never played anything before 4. Thanks for letting us know that you're a zoomer.