Ok guys, can we stop pretending this game feels bad to play? You can hate the players all you want but the gameplay itself is still the best in the series undisputed. The fact that people try to argue a case over ultimate having better gameplay is too ridiculous to even warrant a legitimate response. Seriously guys, I hope nobody is honestly that inept at melee's gameplay to the point of saying crazy shit like that, even as a joke the fact you're making yourself sound that stupid is a little sad..
Ok guys, can we stop pretending this game feels bad to play...
Zig Forums is filled with contrarian pieces of shit let's just enjoy our games and not worry what these retards think
Donkey Kong is viable.
Best one in the whole series before it became a Guest character fuckfest.
Real question, why does it feel like my inputs get eaten every time I try to do a follow up attack?
there's no buffer
I feel it. The sense of improvement playing a game I like is cool and fun. 99% of anti-melee niggers were unaware of the kind of game it was during its heyday, and never gave it a serious try. Somehow people who like ultimate fall in this boat and will defend their soulless virtual amiibo gallery.
Whenever I see the Melee box art I always think for a second that DK is Cranky Kong.
Anyone else?
That certainly explains it. I don’t remember having such a hard time playing melee back then.
Melee's controls do feel like shit until you get used to them though.
probably because you weren't trying to do anything fancy
Does anyone have the version of this picture with sfat and m2k?
>Be me
>Want to get into Melee because it looks far more fun than Ultimate's current state. And I watch it alot too
>Get slippi all set up
>Go into literal "Unranked" matches
>Encounter a faggy tryhard Fox TWICE in two searches.
>Close emulator
And you fucking dickweeds tell people to play Melee but you need to get arthritis to do literally anything and also have 19 years of experience? You are all just coping that Ulti has a wider audience and is easier and more fun to play that doesn't rely on clunky movement to be turnt into "fast paced" movement by making your hands spaz out just to survive any move that knocks you down or L Cancel or Shield drop or Wave dash or any amount upon thousands of fucking tech you need to master just to stand a chance
>fox in online
Fake as fuck
Smash games for the last like 6 years have trained you to use buffer. Stop trying to move frame perfect and just move your character when the previous move ends.
>that one time when Sfat counterpicked FD against M2K
>plays against one fox
>is broken and in tears
Kek, ultimate shitters are never gonna make it.
Because unlike Melee I don't need to put 19 years into a dusty fucking gamecube game to have a chance at winning. I'll stick watching your favourite player get fucked up by Hbox Leffen or Zain forever more
>I was expecting endless scrubs on new melee online, but I was easily dispatched because I am trash.
I bet I could consistently 4 stock whatever "faggy tryhard" you encountered and show you that that guy is literally only a week further along learning the game than you are. Melee is a game where the slightest advantage in skill can really make a difference. If you're looking for casual free for all matches I'm afraid you're out of luck. Either quit whining and git gud, or wait until slippi gets ranked matchmaking and come back later.
I'm also very curious to hear what kind of player you expected to find, because I'm pretty sure you'd call literally any player that can beat you a "faggy tryhard".
Like dude the reason melee looks so much more fun is BECAUSE you can utilize all these techniques and become a Kung-Fu master at the game. Maybe you should think about if you are really up for learning a hard ass video game or not. Maybe stick to easier games.
I'm talking the sort of player that literally is scooting around the platform and doing all sorts of shit that they can to win even when they know their opponent is new. I'm talking double shine out of shield, wavedash up smash, short hop lasers, and while yes thats what to be expected of a melee player. I'm talking this guy was literally TRYING to look as flashy as possible just to look cool infront of a complete scrub, taunting and all.
>that one tournament stream where mang0 and slime were on commentary and talked about the peach rule34 sfat had on his computer
You can learn, execute, and apply every tech in the game with a couple months of practice if that. Once movement in everyway becomes a muscle memory the rest of the match is feeling out your opponents habits and coming up with punishes/reads in a much more intimate way then the snoozefest ultimate is.
>sour grapes
Your attitude is really shit and yea you should asses weather or not you truly want to work hard at a game to achieve mastery or not.
As a veteran player myself, I hope slippi includes some kind of chat soon, because occasionally I run into a lost player like you and I would really like to be able to help these guys out. I found someone the other day that literally didn't know what up B was.
I don't know about you but as a fellow casual player I'd much rather play against someone who is trying to play their best than someone who is intentionally playing suboptimally to mock you. If you stick around melee netplay you'll run into those types and likely start to appreciate the ones doing cool shit.
I dont know guys. I don't even have interest in the top tiers. I wanted to play Luigi or Falcon or something.
>My opponent knew basic advanced techniques and styled on me
Sorry he didn't track you down on discord and become your personal fucking coach for the day. Maybe just accept that there's no skill based matchmaking on slippi yet, and learn to just move on.
DESU you sound like one of the Marth/Fox players who insta quit when I do a 3 hit combo.
My life might not go the way I want but at least I'm not as pathetic as a smash player and that is very comforting to know.
Then play Falcon or luigi wtf. I play Falcon and I shit on 95% of the people on Slippi. Yesterday the only game I dropped was when halfway through the match I realized I was playing IBDW.
Like there are literally top 25 players in the entire world who main Falcon he's an amazing character you just get shit on at the start by the EZ combos like sheik tilt fair.
Also this you are going to run into foxes that just wavedash towards you and spam uptilt. I've encountered so many players who want to be lazy like that vs my Falcon that I specifically learned every way to fuck uptilt so now uptilt spam is stomp food for me. Fuck those lazy bastards!
Matchups at low to mid levels are very different then what's to be expected from the top players tier list. Luigi and falcon can dumpster mid level spacies who think there tech is hot stuff. They have a lot of tools for exposing cracks in spacies gameplans. Luigi's nair comes out insanely fast and can steal combos unless the spacies execution and plan of attack is top player tier. Falcon exposes bad DI and braindead teching with his insane juggle and punish game and recently has been winning major tournaments. Honest answer is to pick what is fun and feels satisfying to you
interesting how you say you need to play for 19 years and then use Zain as an example
>half the people browsing this board weren't even alive when melee came out
Time hurts
Another point: Go watch some clips of N0ne and imagine what it feels like to have that level of mastery over a character. Melee is an extremely rewarding video game.
It doesn't hurt. I love seeing the next generation of players show up to my locals. My favorite part is the little rivalries they form with each other. Rollback is great and all but I can't wait for this COVID shit to end so we can get back to real tournaments.
>play Melee for the first time
>hop right into Slippi, which only play already in "the scene" play
Gee, I wonder why you got fucked. How about you go grind CPU Foxes and learn the game like the rest of us.