Ultimately, Abby was the best thing about TLOU2. The character and narrative was perfect and satisfying.
I cannot understand why Abby is hated.
Ultimately, Abby was the best thing about TLOU2. The character and narrative was perfect and satisfying.
I cannot understand why Abby is hated.
Because she's not Ellie
because she has forced sympathy that doesnt pull.
Hardly forced.
>I cannot understand why Abby is hated.
because she is a bitch
have sex
>I cannot understand why Abby is hated.
Because she killed my amoral coward virtual dad
>abby mcflashbacks
she's only hated by leaklets who didnt actually play the game
look at this palindrome:
abs es based
>aww she saves a zebra!
>aww she pets a dog
>aww she's scared of heights
its high school level writing to try to make a character sympathetic
I doubt anyone who hates her could get even trough the second day of her workout.
how do i get a cute, flatchested, muscular, blonde gf?
The writing was just so stupid and amateurish...
that's the easiest fucking workout schedule that anyone could do
If devs make sliders to remove spiders for aracnophic players, why wont they make faggot sliders to remove fags for us homophobes (normal people)?
>she kills Joel
>not liking her from the beginning of the game
That movie sucked
>I cannot understand why Abby is hated.
you are probably legitimitely autistic.
I wonder if these bait threads will eventually be interpreted as real opinions and some brainless faggots will unironically start posting Abby did nothing wrong thread in a couple of years.
How naive are you? You must be on the spectrum if you seriously didn't notice the absurdly comical levels of attempted emotional manipulation in this game.
Maybe because she's a fucking psychopathic retard who beat to death a man who just saved her life.
>you are probably legitimitely autistic.
As autistic as your inability to articulate an argument?
She's a homewrecker, a murderer who takes glee in torturing people and sliting pregnant women's throats. Yeah, great character.
The game is also about how revenge is bad, yet she gets her revenge and the narrative never questions it. So, perfect and satisfying.
Her entire section of the game is pointless and ruins the pacing of the whole game.
Only between Ellie and Dina.
Abigail Anderson
also known as "abby"
>The game is also about how revenge is bad,
The game is about guilt and forgiveness.
she actually has finguer discipline
I legitimately feel sorry for you for being this unintelligent. Hopefully it's because you're young and still have time to learn the ways of the world.