How do you see the chuunicore genre evolving in the coming years?
How do you see the chuunicore genre evolving in the coming years?
And that's a good thing!
Never played any of those games. Guess I'm not autistic
Earth would be 10000x better if all white people died
These are all incredibly mainstream normalfag games.
autistic whiteboy starter kit is SMT, Touhou, and Pokemon
You're looking at it wrong.
Its TF2, Minecraft, and DOTA 2
>autistic white boy
The white boy part is redundant desu
I don't know but god do I want more of it. I miss having my inner 12-year-old catered to.
There aren't nearly enough games where you can jump-kick shit.
Why is Zig Forums so obsessed with identity politics?
Nailed it perfectly. There’s something about TF2 that spergs can’t let go. If you see someone with thousands of hours on TF2 they’re 100% autistic. The kind that say w instead of r.