How do you see the chuunicore genre evolving in the coming years?
How do you see the chuunicore genre evolving in the coming years?
And that's a good thing!
Never played any of those games. Guess I'm not autistic
Earth would be 10000x better if all white people died
These are all incredibly mainstream normalfag games.
autistic whiteboy starter kit is SMT, Touhou, and Pokemon
You're looking at it wrong.
Its TF2, Minecraft, and DOTA 2
>autistic white boy
The white boy part is redundant desu
I don't know but god do I want more of it. I miss having my inner 12-year-old catered to.
There aren't nearly enough games where you can jump-kick shit.
Why is Zig Forums so obsessed with identity politics?
Nailed it perfectly. There’s something about TF2 that spergs can’t let go. If you see someone with thousands of hours on TF2 they’re 100% autistic. The kind that say w instead of r.
This but unironically. Met WAY more autistic whites than I have ever met autistic blacks or hispanics or whatever. Why is it so prevalent in whites? Serious question
Because we are a majority of the population in general.
Zig Forums's been infiltrated for awhile. It's not "Zig Forums" that posts this shit
I suppose that makes sense.
Really? I thought DMC5 was more for boomers?
>Met WAY more autistic whites than I have ever met autistic blacks
You’ve never been around many black people then. Take it from someone who went to a majority black high school, they have extremely high rates of autism/low IQ. I don’t know if it’s autism or low iq but they share similar traits, the only difference is they are easily angered compared to autistic whites who are usually meek.
Nobody breeds with autistics if they even survive being autistic in ghetto or house with 12 children
Whites coddle their autistic children and sometimes even breed with them, negative selection
Oh and the alphabet agencies pour the chemicals that make the frogs gay in their watter supplies or something
That said, autistic blacks are very much a thing. Ever seen nigga weebs?
Americans are so brainwashed they hate white people.
Whites are a global minority.
Do you jetset around the world looking for autistic kids? You stupid faggot
By who, jews?
Pokemon is more mainstream than any of those though.
mainstream among kids but adult males who play pokemon are autists. Can't say the same for anything in OP.
Maybe Dark Souls? I don't see the other games appealing to autistic people.
Autism is the only culture white people have
You have been brainwashed by jews into hating yourself. What a sad piece of shit you are.
You think it's whites hating whites, but it is amerimutts hating whites. Huge difference.
I’m not white, fucking schizo
>be European
>use katanas as your main weapon of choice
None of you do this, right? I refuse to believe faggotry of such level is possible
I’m not black either, fucking schizo
>it's another offended nigger thread
I Katana as a sub weapon. Partisan is my main.
Blacks are autistic except it's low iq and not high iq that causes it.
>oh what you mean I gotta do that, that's some bullshit
I am shooting at the sky at this point
ok dog eater
Remember youre here forever
i fucking wish dmc was mainstream, maybe then id have gotten playable vergil
In reality it's like Dwarf Fortress, Factorio and Minecraft.
Everybody knows this is a dirty ass spic or indian
nigger please, this mainstream trash isn't even remotely autistic
I swear if you are a kikeoid I will stop using Zig Forums for a month
He says on a white invention speaking a white language :)
Worse Zig Forums
There we go. Good job, retarded faggot.