Why did the House you bought in Hateno not be more customizable? It had a chimney, but no fire place like the other houses. It had dead space that wasted extra room beneath the second floor. It could have had a weapon repair bench/forge at the very least. Even Skyrim did it better.
Breath of the Wild Thread
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I did not care about the house at all, only about the village building quest it lead to.
I have to admit the towns music that’s slowly evolves as more people immigrate to it, and the instruments that are added or based off of the sad person that gets added really is heartwarming.
Because it wasn't really meant to serve as a hub. It ties into why there's no repair system in the game, it's to force people to stop hoarding shit. I think it was a conscious decision to make it so that, unlike other open world games, there's never really any need or point to going back to towns frequently to sell or store things. The house is really just a rupee sink.
>it's to force people to stop hoarding shit
That failed... hard. I ended my game with nothing but Durability Up+ Lynel Swords, Royal Shields, and a ton of Ancient bows... that I never used. I just alternated between my crappy lizalfo sword, shield, bow, and the Master Sword. The fact that the reward system was crappy, discouraged me from raiding enemy camps; due to net loss from durability vs weapon rewards.
There's only so much you can do to curb potion neurosis. It worked for me at least, early on I realized that if I saved a weapon I'd just end up throwing it away after accruing an entire inventory of better weapons.
Mechanically, the system did exactly what it was supposed to do. There is almost no reason to hoard any weapon for any period of time with the exception of a few special effects. If you use your best weapons all the time, you never run out because you just continually find better weapons.
At that point, any hoarding mentality is on the player, since there is no extrinsic reason to do so and the game is very clear about that.
>that I never used
That's your problem, it's not like other weapons can't kill things. The games only issue in relation to this is that silver enemies have 3x the health of black ones and drop the same kinds of weapons.
>If you use your best weapons all the time, you never run out because you just continually find better weapons.
My play style was slightly different. I used my most crafty weapons first, then my strong ones as an emergency; since most of the time I always ended up breaking 3 weapons per camp encounter. Then when my inventory got too full, I started dumping my most crappy weapons; and my inventory started to adopt like a tier tech tree as it evolved over the course of the game. Mid and End game is where I spent trying to decide what weapons to dump vs keep due to them being almost exactly the same— didn’t help that we didn’t get a durability meter.
Akkala is best region
After the Wedding, never talk to them in Terry Town. They will then never return to your house.
I hope we get to explore the interior of the citadel. The thing might as will be a 2nd Hyrule.
But there's literally no point. You'll never run out of strong weapons so there's no reason not to use them. Even if you use them on garbage, it gets through garbage that much faster and you're bound to stumble across something more powerful than what your current "strong weapon" is.
If you ever replay the game, just try using your strongest weapon for every single encounter. No matter what you do, as long as you're exploring, the average level of your weapon inventory keeps going up.
The whole point is that the "play style" you're describing is pointless in this system.
Again because how disappointing the reward system is, there is no net benefit to exploring. You end up having nothing but really weak weapons that you pick up after your camp raid in wasting all your strong weapons.
Weapon durability is a stupid mechanic. I wish it wasn't in BoTW.
That's not true at all though. You're rarely if ever going to "waste" strong weapons by actually using them. Instead, you're going to "waste" them because the average level of loot around you makes your current strong weapon obsolete, and you end up throwing it away without ever using it.
If exploration didn't have a net benefit, then it wouldn't be the case that everyone eventually ends up with an inventory full of weapons with a higher average level. But that's exactly what happens because that's how the system is balanced. Each individual encounter can result in the loss of weapon durability, but taken in aggregate with all of the chests and weapons you find in the world, the result of exploration is always an increase in average inventory level. Saving weapons itself is a waste in this system, which is why potion neurosis is totally irrational.
>potion neurosis is totally irrational.
Potion neurosis is inevitable when it comes to anything that is finite. I could break two lynell swords killing damage sponge enemies and wild bosses, and end up DOWNGRADING my overall inventory due to the quality and quantity of weapons. I see a camp full of enemies, and then I am left with a dilemma of whether I should risk it, or give it a wide berth and avoid it altogether.
I already addressed that point about temporary losses that are net gains in aggregate.
Potion neurosis is not inevitable, not everyone suffers from it, and games like this are much more enjoyable for people who can get over it.
That house brought us a lot of comfy fan art.
Made for NTR
>Princess Zelda moving in with Link.
I just had the idea about the sequel. Assuming that Zelda doesn’t end up as a damsel in distress again, but actively take part in you adventure— Purah wrote in her journal that she actually made her own Sheikah slate in order to make her young. So what if Zelda does a “mission control” to communicate with Link as they BOTH have one? Link uses the original, and Zelda uses Purah’s?
Mipha is dead. Zelda has no worries.
Kass’ Sheikah mentor is also dead. Link has no worries.
You didn’t. Because people will try to play around the system by farming the strongest weapons via bloodmoons and then raiding Hyrule castle from the start of the game.
Made for bokoblin cock
Zelda preferred Link to wear the Lynel mask actually.
Are there any open world games other than BoTW and Skyrim that feature a massive world but a little house you can own to return every time?
Knowing Zig Forums, I'm guessing he was actually talking about Link...
With our luck, Purah attempts an experiment to turn herself back into a teenager or adult in her prime, only to overshoot the Rune and accidentally restores herself as a old hag like Impa; though she still acts like a loli despite being physically elderly again.
This is what Link’s house should have been.