What fucking happened?

What fucking happened?

Attached: Mount2020Blade20II20Bannerlord-272x380-1.jpg (272x380, 32.9K)

It entered early access and is not finished yet and will take years before a quality mod is developed for 1.0 that makes it better than Warband.

turks are lazy

what have they been doing for 8 years? there's 8 months of work here at best

The graphics got good. Just look at this Warband picture.

Attached: 152971505392.png (1151x866, 1.74M)

this game isn't called Mountain Blade 2?

It will be good in time, you don't have to give them money if you don't want to

What do you mean? It's a game in development.
It's being developed.
Are you dumb or something, OP?

this is what happens when you government subsidize creativity and artists arent on the line for anything. Artists are some of the laziest motherfuckers on the planet

t. animator

That face reminds me of somebody familiar. I kind of like the Warband faces, even if they are wacky looking quite a bit often.