What fucking happened?

What fucking happened?

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It entered early access and is not finished yet and will take years before a quality mod is developed for 1.0 that makes it better than Warband.

turks are lazy

what have they been doing for 8 years? there's 8 months of work here at best

The graphics got good. Just look at this Warband picture.

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this game isn't called Mountain Blade 2?

It will be good in time, you don't have to give them money if you don't want to

What do you mean? It's a game in development.
It's being developed.
Are you dumb or something, OP?

this is what happens when you government subsidize creativity and artists arent on the line for anything. Artists are some of the laziest motherfuckers on the planet

t. animator

That face reminds me of somebody familiar. I kind of like the Warband faces, even if they are wacky looking quite a bit often.

Its an early access game in early access but most zoomers that bought this game because they heard about the meme waiting for it went into it thinking it was a early access game that's actually a 95% finished game about to be released like the majority of early access games. I can only blame them so much with setting their expectations so high when so many other games don't actually use early access as an ongoing development period and more of a early release to bugtest so we can fix most of the bugs then call it 1.0 but if you knew anything about the series you would have known what you were getting yourself into.

Making, and remaking the engine I would guess. Probably feature creep and other shit bloated it to death and then they restarted, perhaps several times.

they all look middle eastren tbdesu

That's a nice head you have on your shoulders.

Thank you for the compliment. However, the last time somebody told me that...

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>no clear vision
>3 people working on single player
>single player is a broken mess
>continue updating multiplayer when it's dead and most people just play SP
>no mod tools at launch
There are some mods that fix a whole bunch with the game, like adding more minor factions and rebellions to keep the game interesting and stopping anyone from steam rolling. They still havent justified lineages.

Is Holdfast any better as a game, especially for the Napoleonic Wars element that is also popularly associated with Mount and Blade?

they've spent the last 4 months balancing existing features and fixing bugs. Callum said he thinks they are still on track for roughly one year of early access so that leaves roughly 8 months. do you think they will add anything significant by then?

They fucked their priorities, the code refactoring is important but they should have focused on getting all the perks working first so people would actually want to play while they were working on the code, that and more work put into attacking siege ai, although that did improve a bit and unlike the perks it is understandable they would want to do that with the refactored code rather than having to do it twice

It's extremely likely a lot of the original devs were executed by the government

they're probably shitty programmers so it took them years to redesign the code

A stalled development cycle and a fairly small team have made things far cruder than you would expect.

It has promise,but it needs a lot more work and careful management. If i were you i would avoid this for another 8 months to a year.

can u quantify that multiplayer is dead? do they show player numbers anywhere?

Mostly personal experience but i
was browsing the latest update video, and that was a pretty frequent complaint

>we already wrote 90% of code

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did these fucks even release the mod tools yet?

Turkroach work ethics

recently one of the devs said they're releasing them "soon"

The improved the combat and visuals but didnt have wnough money to finish the rest of the game, so they released it 5 years early

Commander mode is pretty based and there are plenty of lobbies I don't know what you guys are on about

It entered early access, took far too long to get to that stage and when it did reach early access as expected it was an unfinished broken mess for most people. Zig Forums shilled the ever-living fuck out of it for weeks afterwards until some eventually came to the realisation that they were going to fuck off and wait for it to get fixed (not expecting it to take this long) now it’s just been forgotten.

I thought the rumor was that during the Turk purges a bunch of the games programmers got 'vanished' and now they only have like 3 people who can actually code in a team of 80.

It actually says when you browse it, at best you're looking at maybe 300 to 500 people tops at any one time. I cant even get a game in any mode.

>Mfw I'm just waiting for a warband native module in bannerlord

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It's an embarrassing game right now. There is 0 weapon variety, 0 quest variety, and it has 90% less content than Warband. The AI is mostly broken, there are no interesting troop types, the skill system is the worst I've ever seen in a videogame.

Is this the biggest scam in gaming history? Yes.

I think this is why French movies suck dick, with the exception of new wave.

and he gets fucking paid for that...

Its amazing how they took a great skill system and ruined it so hard

it certainly blows for a game that has been developed for over 8 years
however the idea of the skill system isn't bad in itself, it just doesn't work well for this type of game and with those particular skills they have chosen

are rape mods out yet

What did they do to the Mount and Blade skills? How different is it from the earlier games? I didn’t play the new one yet.

They fucked it in the ass desu

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