Why has he endured when all other non-Bowser Mario villains failed?

Why has he endured when all other non-Bowser Mario villains failed?
What's the appeal?

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wario ware is pretty fun thats why

Because they gave him his own game series a year after he came out.

Wario Land is Super Mario Land III, it isn't his own series
Also a single game isn't a series you fucking retard

I think it's more that Wario was made by R&D1 and they liked working with Wario more than Mario, so all the possible mario land games just eventually became wario land games.

plus he came around at a time where the mario franchise was actually adding cast members, like yoshi.

Really, it wasn't until the wii era where mario started to get stagnant and stopped using most of its characters.

Because l these others fucking blow and greed is good

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Because Wario has an actual personality and his games are pure nonsensical fun

>t. waluigi

This. He’s the Mario Nintendo is too scared to make.

Quality games.
Flexibility. He's able to go from castle dwelling antagonist to globe trotting treasure hunter to video game developer to master thief and no one bats an eye.
Also, removed from his Mario influence, he's an excellent character design.
Everyone loves Wario.

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