Why has he endured when all other non-Bowser Mario villains failed?
What's the appeal?
Why has he endured when all other non-Bowser Mario villains failed?
wario ware is pretty fun thats why
Because they gave him his own game series a year after he came out.
Wario Land is Super Mario Land III, it isn't his own series
Also a single game isn't a series you fucking retard
I think it's more that Wario was made by R&D1 and they liked working with Wario more than Mario, so all the possible mario land games just eventually became wario land games.
plus he came around at a time where the mario franchise was actually adding cast members, like yoshi.
Really, it wasn't until the wii era where mario started to get stagnant and stopped using most of its characters.
Because l these others fucking blow and greed is good
Because Wario has an actual personality and his games are pure nonsensical fun
>t. waluigi
This. He’s the Mario Nintendo is too scared to make.
Quality games.
Flexibility. He's able to go from castle dwelling antagonist to globe trotting treasure hunter to video game developer to master thief and no one bats an eye.
Also, removed from his Mario influence, he's an excellent character design.
Everyone loves Wario.
mario added yoshi daisy wario geno and mallow all around the same timeframe and era of the mario series and the former became staple characters. If anyone is curious why people wanted geno in smash in the first place this was it, seems like its mostly bandwagoners these days but that was originally why he had just as much a chance to be a staple mario character as wario did. Mario rpg even has a wario stand-in character booster because wario wasnt a fully established thing yet.
Geno probably would be a staple if he wasn’t owned by Square. He’s decently popular enough to have at least showed up in the kart racers. I wonder what a “modern Nintendo” Geno would look like.
Evil-self/dark-copy characters are the most cliché, overdone, unoriginal, lame trope in fiction but for some reason, most people (me included not gonna lie) can’t get enough of them and gobble that shit up, even though there’s at least one of them in almost everything.
Duality of man and embracing one’s dark side/being able to let yourself be your worst self is an extremely appealing concept. Ask any actor, most of them will tell you what they enjoy most is playing assholes, monsters, bitches and whores, because almost everything morally bad according to society is fun.
Mario doesn't even appear in the game until the ending
>buff, fat kike
>lol what's the appeal? how could anyone know?
Imagine being this clueless
This, gunpei and co made wario, and he was preferable for that reason. Once the game boy stopped the wario series pretty much died.
The world of Mario got stagnant because miyamoto got old and got moved. When he was young and working with the dev teams, he was pushing boundaries and getting creative. Once he got into management he just became concerned about mario as a brand more than as a series. Also he aged, and age brings conservatism almost without exception. Dude just got old and moved jobs. His focus isn't on creating new stuff anymore, just on curating what's out there.
The same reason Shadow endured.
Mmmm i get what you mean but it’s a pretty sloppy comparison. Shadow is Sonic but darker, meaner, badass, and angsty. Wario has like no moral compasd and just does whatever the fuck he wants. THAT’s appealing because we all wish we could do the same. Also he’s strong as fuck and manages to be hugely popular despite being greed incarnate, negligent and gross.
because as the mario series settled into a more comfortable, consistent, and somewhat “sterile” groove, wario remained that weird fucker who does what he want.
Fun games
Wario's "endured" the same way Luigi's Mansion has. They appeal to a subset of players who still play Bing Bing games but want hipster points for being fans of the lesser characters.
Wario Land 5 when
You're just gonna ignore the fact that Wario Land got like 5 sequels, all without the Mario Land monikor?
I felt bad for wario at the end of shake it, if a new wario land ever comes out, I want him to steal back that coin sack.
>why has he endured when all other non-bowser villains failed?
He didn't, he hasn't been a villain since his original 2 games.
>implying being the owner of a mega corporation isnt evil
hes a Chad
This. Mario is mickey mouse (aka mr perfect) and wario is donald duck (is flawed and doesnt always succeed, tries his best in his own weird way)
What two games? He stopped being a villain after Mario Land 2 as far as I can remember which was his first game. The moment he was playable he wasn't a villain
>Wario Land 2-4, VB and Shake It
>Wario World
>Wario's Woods
>Wario: Master of Disguise
big dick energy