Super fast SSDs come next gen

>super fast SSDs come next gen

We're never getting loading screens again, right?

Attached: dRyFUQCn_42ZSro2X_urcan_Aub1MsKpn_aGktrVkQc.png (1024x576, 386.73K)

Other urls found in this thread:'s patent covers “auxiliary games,their own loading screen games.

We've already seen demonstrations of PS5 games that have obvious loading screens like Ratchet and Astrobot.
You're getting loading screens still.

load times will probably get worse. now they have an excuse to make the games even bigger, they know how expensive it will be to upgrade to 2tb

It will probably be better than this gen but loading is here to stay.

>game has tips in loading screens
>it loads too fast to read any of them

Attached: 4woah.jpg (1024x910, 162.98K)

No but you'll get unskippable cutscene while the game is loading

easy solution. just in an X to continue prompt

You're getting "disguised" ones like the elevators in mass effect.

Ghost of Tushima had that problem and they patched some of the loading screens to be slightly longer so people would actually be able to read them.

Been hearing this dogshit since 1995, fuck off

Literally just add "press X to continue".

Console CPU is too shit to eliminate loading screens.

Both next gen consoles have good CPUs.

They could have just made it so the tip stays for a few moments after loading finishes and then fades away

This. The dogshit notion of bloating games is gonna get popular real fucking quick because you faggots keep letting them. If you dont have the hard drive space for other games, guess, what, you arent playing other games, or at least not as many to distract you away from CoD or whatever the fuck else is gonna be 200GB

This shits gonna be the standard with this new gen, the industry will ALWAYS find new ways to fuck you because they know you will always let them fuck you with a smile

The joy of playing good ol SNES / NeoGeo / arcade games : I start the game, and I am already in the action after 3 seconds... (The time it takes to press start/select The character/select The mission)
No need to wait for textures to load, no need to wait for other players to join (they just plug their controller and insert a coin)!
But that's... Stupid? Did people forget that loading is a nuisance?

I haven't seen loading screen longer than 20s for the last 8 years, user

I assume it would go against their whole immersion thing, like how instead of a GPS waypoint shit you swipe up on the touchpad and streaks of wind blow past towards your objective.
The loading is still pretty fast from what I understand, it's just a few seconds longer so people can actually read the text. would have made more sense though.

Literally who has ever given a fuck about the almost entirely useless tips on any loading screen in any video game? Patch to make the loading screens LONGER? What the fuck? Ghost of tsushima was very nice to play because the loading screens were almost nonexistent and you never felt like you were taken out of the game because of it. If video games eventually have absolutely 0 loading screens from start to finish or had pretty much instantaneous loading times it would be a HUGE step forwards for video games forever.

Gentle reminder that Namco is responsible for the majority of dull loading screens we've experienced from the 90s to 2015.'s patent covers “auxiliary games,their own loading screen games.

Loading screens never needed to exist in the form that we know them. Loading screens are so short now that the patent is irrelevant anyway.

You will because vidya will still need to compile shaders for the GPU.

I get instant loading screens in some games and normal loading times I used to get on HDDs on other games. There's more going on than just dumping files at really fast speeds, your other hardware plays a role too, and the way the game is optimized as well.

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No we are going back to 2-3 seconds loading

In mass effect 2, even if the game was loaded you wouldn't get out of the loading screen until the animation finished playing.

They still only last a few seconds and are short, you just have enough time to actually read the text or most of it now. It's stupid as fuck but it's not as big of a change as some might think.

What exactly is going on when loading and what helps it go faster? Is it the CPU speed? Amount of RAM?

t. techtard

I'm just surprised that SSD's are even a selling point in this generation. They should have been included as standard on the last gen consoles.

This, when last gen consoles came out, every single pre-built PC was sold with a SSD already and all laptops had one. It was already old tech.
Now nvme SSD are something more recent but to base an entire console generation on a 150€ piece of hardware is strange.

I can't really easily explain what's happening while a game is loading easily but it's actually mostly the storage, hard drives are usually considerably slower at transferring data than pretty much any kind of SSD. Just look up videos of "hdd vs ssd loading times" and you'll see how much of a difference that alone makes. RAM is somewhat used too but having a shit ton and just enough is pretty much the same. It's just slower when you don't have enough.

wow so deep and profound
This game is good? Lol

Attached: 1596275395332.jpg (640x640, 84.13K)

>What exactly is going on when loading and what helps it go faster?
The game is moving data from storage into RAM, decompressing assets, and setting up data structures.
>what helps it go faster?
Faster storage is the most obvious way to make it go faster.
A faster CPU can make decompression more efficient - the PS5 and XSX have a dedicated piece of hardware to take care of this instead.
More RAM sometimes means the game can load more in the background rather than having to hit a hard loading screen. Loading screens give the game an opportunity to clear everything out of RAM to make room for new stuff.

faggot selfinsert smoothbrain
