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Video Games
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Video Games #5203
Video Games
Itt cakewalk until final boss games
Assassin's creed odyssey is not so bad actually
SoulCalibur thread
Low level mage
ITT: spin-off games nobody asked for
Tomb Raider
Most pathetic thing you've done in vidya
Does Zig Forums play vidya with your significant other?
How come so many old games look more "realistic" than what we get today?
Low IQ people: buying up all the toilet paper
Game claims that religion is evil
Kill real human in a video game
go play Ace Combat bro
$59.99 FOR A 15 HOUR GAME
It's the best music.This is not arguable any more. This is the peak music of any video game ever made, ever
Fall Guys literally proved that this is our reality. Boomers are killing the industry
Ashes of Creation
Sell me this game
Who's the Laura Palmer of videogames?
Super fast SSDs come next gen
Explain this bullshit
Dark Souls is sitting in my Steam Library for years
Post games with rewarding leveling mechanics
Ross's Game Dungeon
Infographics Dump
Is rape EVER justified?
Do you see now?
Are you excited for it yet Zig Forums?
What was your first major gaming disappointment?
Why don't you have the new 2500k anons?
Devil May Cry
/asp/ btfo’d. The fact this shit series won goty 2 consecutive years is bullshit
Hey buddy i think you got the wrong door. The gamestop is 2 blocks down
What am I in for?
Japanese humour
You bought her game, right?
Use your intellect, evade my blows!
Why is Skyrim only game with proper muscles in any video game?
Fuck TFtubers
What's your opinion about Tsubasa (17) and her game?
OMG this!! So much this! This is an undeniable fact
Come home, user
Steam profile thread
Akinator thread
An ocean with the depth of a puddle
Death Stranding
It's a mentor character comes out of retirement and joins the party episode
Video game is art
Meanwhile, in 2050 Zig Forums
Just BB urself
Your favorite streamer girl starts playing your favorite video game on her Youtube channel
What game let you play as a nun?
Oh boy yanderedev going to fuck is life
Do you have any modern game that became one of your favorites of all time?
*joins your party*
Aloy is ugl-
Pretentious or genius?
Buying Video Games
Why can't westerners design good characters?
Name the best XBOX / Microsoft game of this generation
Pagan is the only good villain to come out of Nu-Far Cry games
Do you play videogames on public? i.e plane, bus, mall, etc
Is Wikipedia a reliable source for unbiased information?
Oh, hey user. want to fuck up some wolves with me?
Defining a Tryhard
Memes aside, this is the greatest Halo game out of the 6 ones so far
Wake up at 9am
Hey Zig Forums wanna help me fight the tree boss? I'm having a tough time...
Let's have a comfy Tails thread
Post your top ten games and others try to guess your personality
So I was playing Oblivion again today when I came across pic related for the first time. Weird...
Virtual/Augmented Reality
Is it right to shit on a game because of a single frame from a trailer?
Tifa or Aerith?
New board when?
Pirate a game
Wife bought me Origami King today
Games with great character customization?
I just platinumed this. This has one of the greatest final battles I’ve seen in awhile, the ending nearly made me cry
Takes over the entire video game industry in a couple of years
Main character is a selfish asshole, because he has abandonment issues
Why did Nintendo go with Nshitia instead of Qualcomm?
Wear armor
What's the last game you actually bought with money? And why did you do it?
I honestly dont get why this game was praised like the second coming of christ when it was released
Sequel is made years, or even decades after the previous game
Well, Zig Forums?
How did one guy manage to make Miis of all things so sexy?
Game has NTR
Look at Nanako go!
What the F*CK is wrong with ubisoft?!?
Admit it. You never beat this game
Let's have an action game thread
Game changes genres halfway through
How do I beat BOTW?
If his game ever comes, should be classic style or metroidvania?
Vidya fucking died the instant streamers became popular and mainstream
Fall guys STOP HAVING FUN edition
Every exclusive is either a port, an enhanced port labeled as a sequel, or a new entry that’s very similar to 3DS/Wii U
Only way to level up def is to be bad at the game
Tifa Lockhart from Final Fantasy VII Remake
Ah yes, peak female robot design
ITT: good flash games
Zig Forumsidya Draw Thread
Casuals ruined gaming. i remember when i used to think the wow community was toxic asf and now it's in every game
What is Sneed's Feed & Seed of video games?
Post your recently played Steam games
You DO play Magic Arena, right?
Halo 2 > Halo 3 > Halo ODST
I just bought a 2070 super for $522USD
Does Zig Forums actually play video games?
And the winner of the 2020 Game of the Year Award goes to
How good is my laptop
Weapons only (You) use
Metroid Prime 4 literally NEVER EVER
What are we picking up on the PSN Summer Sale Zig Forums?
Here’s your game designer, bro
There are people who unironically think this is more comfortable than symmetrical analog sticks
Otome Games
What are the best aviation related games?
Is 2020 the year for porn games? We got a Slay the Spire clone, an Ace Attorney game, and now a Persona game
Will CAPCOM ever make another soulful Sprite-based fighting game?
New board when?
All your favourite franchises are dead user and the people who worked on them have all moved on with their lives
Add user from Zig Forums
Why won't this game fucking work on steam? it just crashes and you can't even task manager close it...
He calls himself "gamer" with pride
How long before there are mods to make her good looking?
Nintendo is a cat company. DOGGO BTFO
Let's talk about about me, let's talk about the 6'8 frame the 37 in verticle leap...
Have mods ever actually improved the look of a game?
Beat Dark Souls Prepare to Die Edition for the first time just now. Installing Dark Souls 2. Anything I need to know...
What the fuck are the point of these things, anyway?
Just catched Groundhog Day here on SNES in my country .. and I'm wondering...
Comfy Pikmin Thread
Who else is excited for Tough Bippy?
More Sega/Atlus Ports incoming
Steam profile pic thread
Can we get some new games now?
I'm still mad
Just started playing Red Dead Online, what am I in for?
Finally got pic related on sale on steam, 3 hours in and man this game is boring as fuck
Is this game worth playing...
The PS3 is LITERALLY the most ____ console ever made
When is he going to be announced for Smash?
So what games allow you to drug your employees...
Hundreds of hours in
Can YOU name ONE perfectly balanced multiplayer game?
She sees your video game collection
Why don't you play fighting games?
I made a game during quarantine
Find a single goddamn flaw
OCD ruining my life
Why is PlayStation so disliked here?
Scientists say life is around 30fps
Do you think i'm autistic
Gaming truth pills
Ideal Ben 10 Game
Why do oldfags believe this faggot is not an "e-celeb"
Here's that gameboy you wanted, son!
Browse Zig Forums
Pragmata is an ACTION game confirmed
Hey guys. I'm going to be gone for a bit, so I need you to watch these Chao for me...
Whats the go-to launch game?
Is Zig Forums ready to talk about how this game was a masterpiece yet?
Minecraft screenshots let us see em lads
Where does Red's mom sleep?
Zoomer Nostalgia
>enemies who don't fuck around!
Post an FPS/TPS with a better story than this one
"here is your cyberpunk gf bro"
Why don't any militaries use dualshock controllers?
Massa Cheef
So true....lol
Here's your new FNAF antagonist, bro
Smash Characters only (you) want
Only way to kill dino bots is shooting their eye or weak spot
Love Letter
Please, don't post unless you have been lurking this site for at least 10 years...
ITT: Vidya girls that everyone on Zig Forums has fapped to at least once
Has a game ever made you cry?
Give one good reason why Skyrim shouldn't be ruled by Dunmer
What went wrong?
Ooooookay, yeah I’m done with this. This is freaky white cult nazi shit. I got shivers just watching this shit...
If you suck at beat em ups, you're not going to like this game
While I don't place a huge emphasis on graphics...
Should games not require people to face their fears?
Fuck you, I liked Enter the Matrix
Used to be able to talk to and befriend random people in MMOs all the time
Why do westerners do this?
This is just a bad Deus Ex rip off
Can philosophical works ever be translated into vidya?
Master Chief? You mind telling me what you're doing on that ship?
What are your favorite non-banjo/dk/conker rare games? Is jet force gemini and perfect dark any good...
The worst case design ever made
Starsector thread
Just admit it already, fall guys has SOUL. Devolver Digital Studios has a valid excuse for the launch issues...
Guys I tested positive for COVID-19. Any games for this feel?
I wish to slaughter hordes of enemies in either third or first person with unique ways to do it...
I don't feel so good xbros
Is it still better than Cities Skylines, even with mods?
Thoughts Zig Forums?
TIE Defender, Standing By
Let's have some Saturday night Epic Mafia
Elite dangerous
Sony Wants PS5 to Be the Best Place to Play: Targeting Hardcore Players
Can we agree that this is GOTY
Never learned how to swim
Rank the gachashit you’ve played
Many of us are by the fire forsaken
How is it only at 5mil...
Well Zig Forums?
Party Van
FTL: Faster Than Light
Is pic related worth playing? What's the community like?
Is Nintendo fucked?
BlazBlue/BBCF Saturday Night Thread
At least now that they confirmed it’s never going back to what it was, I can finally move on...
What went wrong?
So... I just finished this. My thoughts:
It's been 3 years and I am still amazed they managed to redeem this franchise after the abortion that was neo-dmc
The great debate
Granblue Versus
About two weeks ago I made a thread where I talked about how I never really ever played any video games and I only use...
ITT games without a translation
New Matrix game in 2022 for the 4th movie ?
Say hi to your maid Zig Forums!
This shit brought me physical pain
I like Yuuka
The 90s are gone and never coming back
Has there ever existed a video game girl more beautiful than Lucina?
Console niggas be like:
Horror General
ITT official art you can't believe its real
What does Zig Forums think of Typhlosion
Be Abby
Just got my switch, realized there's no games
Tfw spent my whole youth playing shooters
Mega Man in 2020
How do they do it?
Yakuza 0
I kinda liked Let it Die, senpai. It was charming
Dr Disrespect is still maintaining radio silence about what lead to his ban
Bow kid
Paid online
Why does Miyazaki always make the final boss a boomer?
Any games that let you play as a lizard?
Everyone on Zig Forums is transported to the world of Terraria from the very beginning...
Recommend me some games where I can recruit team members of different species and race
Even hispanics know; everyone knows
Who's your favorite girl from the Lovers Arcana?
Here is your cyberpunk gf!
This is Jesmon, who gets his name from Jesus. Digimon thread
It's your turn Zig Forums, rate these 3 games outta 10
Has TLoU dethroned Resident Evil as the king of TPS survival (action/horror)
Have you ever thought mods were a mistake?
This game is a well marketed roblox minigame. that costs 20. fucking. dollars
You don't have gamer dent do you, Zig Forums?
Yes, the Hunting Rifle does more damage when it's fully upgraded...
Give me the microphone
Black Women in Games
Rocksteady confirms it is working on a Suicide Squad game
User, I'm a fairy. Let me in
Animal crossing is now ultra normie core
MK8 Zig Forumskend thread. Yesterday was fun, lets try to get a full room again. Will start with 150cc this time...
Zig Forums makes a game
Hybrid classes
Crusader Kings 2
Remake is clearly worse in all respects besides some technical improvements like resolution
How come Persona 3 and 5 writing was so bad and anime compared to 4 one?
Any game genres you have never played and have no desire to?
Better performance
It's shit...
How old were you when you realized Nintendo was dead?
His spotify is mainly videogame music
Which one you prefer?
How's that game coming along Zig Forums?
What is your excuse?
Well that went smoothly
Porn games are ba-
The voice acting in this series is ridiculously good
Male horses have penis and testicles
Controversial Opinions
PSO2NA sucks dick, DOTA2 is stale, Warframe is a grindfest and Destiny 2 is Destiny 2
Last thread died before anyone could claim a tile. so I'll try it one more time
Which one are you buying ?
Gachaniggers refuse to leave /vg/
P-please buy a ps5
Why is Lammy so cute?
Be gamer
Last good game console to be released
How does it feel knowing that the era of gaming you remember will never come back...
Didnt realize they had wallmats back then
Why is this slag paying for ad space again? The Dreamcast sucks anyways...
Would you have gone for her if you were link?
Choose your character
This is the best GTA
Now that the dust has settled, was it good?
You will have to accept that Linux is the future of gaming
Yep, it's kino
Say hello to the first stage of the next 4-5 Sonic games!
Why is yanderedev a meme now?
Let's be honest, she's best girl
1. Open MS Paint
I want to fuck Miriam
Does Zig Forums like women in vidya because they are good charachters or simply because they look fertile?
Nikkei - Sony sets out to conquer entertainment world with anime (with strategy including games)
This is releasing the same day as THPS 1+2 Remastered
Borderlands 3 is free on PS right now
6th gen thread
Daddy screamed REEEEAL good before he DIED!
What are some uncomforable vidya truths?
Why Are You Buying The PS5 Unironically?
Why haven't you downloaded fightcade 2 to play old fighting games online with perfect netcode?
Big elder scrolls fan here, looking to get into the fallout series. Do you recommend I play 3 or new Vegas first...
Tfw peach and bowser have to orchestrate these elaborate "kidnapped princess" plot so they can go on dates behind...
They'll pair you with another AI
According to Imran Khan...
Why do people consider him a critic? Why does he still exist...
Objective 10/10 compilation with a shitload of games and behind-the-scenes content that's actually interesting and...
Borderlands 3 sells 10.5 million
Zig Forums thinks this is ugly
What does it feel like for a kid to see someone in the game they're playing who's been playing the game longer than...
Would you fight Chrom to marry Lucina?
Reminder bethesda took this away from you
Hey guys, there are no zombies here, right?
So it's pretty much guaranteed that Halo 3 is not getting a remake, right?
The moon in risk of rain 2 is in an impossible positon and Ill prove it
Remake it
What the fuck was this cutscene?
Street Fighter thread
Nintendo just didn't care
Why the fuck does she exist? Phoenix Wright really went downhill
I pirate games because i want free stuff
Fairy tail incensoring and modding is starting
Why did nobody complain about forced politics in games back in the day?
Why? What the fuck are these retards doing?
Name every 2020 game you played
Now that the dust has settled, what is the Zig Forumserdict?
Risk of Rain
Doom 2 is the greatest game ever made
Where the heck are the Worms threads today?
The truth is that V3 is objectivity the best game in the franchise. People only pretend otherwise because of nostalgia...
Fate is just gacha
This is a cult
Do you have a gamerfuel? Or do you run on water and celery only
He's right about JRPGs
S4 League
So we all agree that the sales for this thing as unjustified?
Go meet an old friend to just chill on his porch having a few beers(monster energy ultra for me)
This is probably the gayest thing I've seen for a while
Why are timed exclusives even legal?
DoR > AW2 > AW1 > DS
Your gaming supplements came in the mail user!
ITT: Enemies that scared the shit out of you as a kid
It would be amazing if quake 1-3 were remastered as a collection for next gen consoles...
Is this the best horror game of the 2010s?
Which was it kino and which was cringe?
Halo Infinite
343 Industries dev keeps getting banned for racism
Has a game ever brought out your true feeling on life ?
I want to fuck Dina but only in the cowgirl/missionary position so I could kiss her doing the act...
Nioh 2
What difficulty do you play games on?
Zig Forumsidya Draw Thread
Enough about fighter speculation, who do you want as a mii costume for smash?
TemTem - What happened
King K. Rool day
Is Dark Souls 3 the most underappreciated Souls game?
Post apocalypse world
How would you react?
Spelunky 2 Thread
RTS support group & AoE 2 DE MP
Games that melt your icy, jaded heart
Why did you lie to me Zig Forums, this shit is so fucking fun???
Mesoamerica in Minecraft
Timed Exclusive
Waaaa racciss bad
Which games do you play with family members?
This is an ugly woman according to Zig Forums and /vrpg/
Detroit: Become Human
White people are weak, they can't save the world
Breath of the Wild
What are some of the biggest cases of false advertising in Zig Forums related content?
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 30 Series to be announced on September 9th
What games fit this curve?
Who should get a board next...
Really? Nintendofags?
New Assassin's Creed Valhalla Trailer
The inarguable fact of the matter is that these are two of the best Pokemon games ever made. They're challenging...
Single-handedly saves the Resident Evil franchise AND the horror genre
PS5 has secured ‘huge third-party games’ as exclusives -“YOU WILL BE SHOCKED”
This is my wife, Mikami
New Momodora
*loses the coin toss*
Play Metroid
Nocturne remaster
Whats the best Senran Kagura game?
Why are Nintendo fans like this?
World End Syndrome
Talk all the shit I want in game
3 tutorials
Why did Zelda OOT link choose her?
The last good fighting game
Outsold every PS4 exclusive in a matter of 3 months
How did FromSoftware create a game better looking than DS1 & 2 on the PS3??
SMT5 port soon bros
What am I in for?
Perfect text adventure game doesn't exi-
Webm thread
How bad is it really, I never played it?
Justify this
Would you marry Lucina if she proposed to you?
Let's settle this once and for all, who is the best resident evil girl?
Play his game!
Silent Hill Thread
Tifa Lockhart from Final Fantasy VII Remake
How did Kratos go from this
Play Zero Dawn
This is fucking awful
I literally do not understand what about this thing is supposed to entice me to buy it instead of the PlayStation 5
Go to buy a new game
Has vidya dialogue ever made you cringe?
Main scenario quests for A Realm Reborn have been revamped
DOA Bread
Uncharted 5/Next uncharted
Dual wielding will be cut
Which one has the best OST?
How's your PC handling the heat? Can you feel the GPU throttling and lowering your frame rate?
State of Play from two days ago has more views than the big Xbox Games Showcase
Play indie good
So guys, I just bought the game
Fall guys
When does this shit get good? None of you people ever mention the corridors, shit AI, and linearity of the world...
Rarest valuable games you own
Have a billionaire game idea
We're witnessing the birth of one of gaming's most historic games. This is our generation's Super Mario Bros
Whats the point of this game?
What if they never took the time travel GTA 3 turn?
Hey PC players, I thought PS4 exclusives were “movie games”
Hey Zig Forums what character should I play?
Fall guys
Can we all agree that /vmg/ and /vrpg/ were mistakes and should be merged back into Zig Forums?
FF2 really was before its time
Nintendo is dead
Go to arcade
Can someone give me the TLDR take on why this game causes so much seethe?
The game everyone forgot
Tell me, Baki. If you really became so strong, then were are all of your vidya adaptations?
Super Mario Zig Forumsorld 2 (Thread 7/31)
Play game on console
I'm a massive fucking casual(doctor doing his residency) who gets baited by his fat best friend into buying weird faggy...
Why didn't Gman bend time and and space and just kill Nihilanth?
He's 100% you know
I will now buy your game
She sold 22 million copies
Is called Donkey Kong Country 2
Take care of Lucina while I'm gone
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine