>literal RNG dictating whether you miss or not
shit fucking game
Literal RNG dictating whether you miss or not
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b-b-but muh CHEEKI BREEKI xD
i'm gonna say the f word
Do the funny vodka dance, Slav squat brooo
Kino. KINO.
this game is only loved because "white" subhumans known as slavs have nothing in their pathetic life other than this game
so they will defend their only """""playable """""game to death cuz muh slav muh hardcore git gut:DDD filtered cope! seethe tranny
but have you heard pathologic the second
You do know that myth was dispelled when the source code was released, right?
dont even get me started on "its supposed to play like shit cuz its a story game!! but the story is also shit and only good by the low low LOW videogame standards also I hate walking simulator story games but pathalogic is godtier:DDDD"
factually incorrect.