Literal RNG dictating whether you miss or not

>literal RNG dictating whether you miss or not
shit fucking game

Attached: stalker.jpg (338x476, 40.94K)

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b-b-but muh CHEEKI BREEKI xD

i'm gonna say the f word

Do the funny vodka dance, Slav squat brooo

Kino. KINO.

Attached: heresyourgunplay.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

this game is only loved because "white" subhumans known as slavs have nothing in their pathetic life other than this game
so they will defend their only """""playable """""game to death cuz muh slav muh hardcore git gut:DDD filtered cope! seethe tranny

but have you heard pathologic the second

You do know that myth was dispelled when the source code was released, right?

dont even get me started on "its supposed to play like shit cuz its a story game!! but the story is also shit and only good by the low low LOW videogame standards also I hate walking simulator story games but pathalogic is godtier:DDDD"

factually incorrect.


Attached: 5keG5aLZPA.jpg (1280x960, 489.46K)

git gud

is that the yellow guy from sin city?

Of what? Having radiated drinking water and getting carried away by secret agents for shit talking putin?
not really

user... Have you ever shoot a pistol once in your life?

>atleast we are tall haha!
>height > frame , face, status anything haha!

Attached: slavic man.jpg (828x736, 45.91K)

Zoomer. Filtered.

>"realism" is OK when slavjank does it
games should feel good to play

>gun is slightly damaged
>despite iron sights barely moving while shooting recoil causes bullets to fly at literally 5 degrees of from the bore axis

Shoot better, also watch this

it only does that for the AI

Attached: 1596299557783.png (925x1155, 61.25K)

I want to replay Stalker with mods, but without any sickdark hardcore shit. Is Anomaly any good?

Are you retarded? Is weapon stats a foreign concept to you? Fucking burgers I swear how FUCKING HOW YOU CAN BE SO FUCKING RETARDED EБAHЫE CЫHЫ ДEPЬMA ЫЫЫ PHГ

Don't play this cringefest. It's worst thing ever done to stalker freeplay + muh horcore is for fucking degenerates who don't understand stalker at all.

>stalkerfags still think their game is hard

>game doesn't have hitscan
>it's now RNG

Attached: 1300380417054.jpg (800x618, 75.63K)

only zoomers like this game
anybody who was there for the hype of the original launch played the buggy, barely working shitty launch version that crashed every second and was missing tons of promised content and never tried it again

Attached: low.jpg (680x680, 41.85K)


Play OGSR, best SoC mod.

just play the game on master difficulty without mods. It makes it so the enemies are not bullet sponges and the game is actually playable.

Attached: SBP.png (720x314, 147.73K)

Try aiming for once

Anomaly is the definition of sickdark hardcore shit. Why not just fucking google this

He's a fucking idiot when it comes to the gym. Yeah he might have a big upperbody but his legs are tiny. I never miss my leg day because legs are just as if not more important than upper body.

Thats China you fucking burger

oh it's this schizo again who thinks that anomalmeme is 'miseryshit' because it's a tiny bit harder and more complex than vanilla