This enrages the Zig Forums
This enrages the Zig Forums
What is going on here?
cucks that pay money to activision-blizzard to play a bastardized version of vanilla to line up for a quest mob because they're retarded zoomers that can't comprehend every quest not being critical in a zonewide "chain" and that grinding is often much more efficient especially early on during rush hours
i did not understand anything
I see
Only in Am*rica.
>s-so much soul!
it's just people larping, that shit never happened in vanilla, and can pretty much happen in any game in the community wants but guess what, they don't 99% of the time
me? I just got right in front and spammed attacks, got my ez kill and left the fuck out, fuck the larpers
Can't you just cut into the line? Are they really suck cucks that they wait in line?
I'd get you banned for this.
>paying to stand in a queue