This enrages the Zig Forums
This enrages the Zig Forums
What is going on here?
cucks that pay money to activision-blizzard to play a bastardized version of vanilla to line up for a quest mob because they're retarded zoomers that can't comprehend every quest not being critical in a zonewide "chain" and that grinding is often much more efficient especially early on during rush hours
i did not understand anything
I see
Only in Am*rica.
>s-so much soul!
it's just people larping, that shit never happened in vanilla, and can pretty much happen in any game in the community wants but guess what, they don't 99% of the time
me? I just got right in front and spammed attacks, got my ez kill and left the fuck out, fuck the larpers
Can't you just cut into the line? Are they really suck cucks that they wait in line?
I'd get you banned for this.
>paying to stand in a queue
Really? It's just a game.
>vanilla world of warcraft released again after 15 years
>most of the leveling quests are KILL 10 BOARS or BRING 6 WOLF PELTS (but the drop rate is shit so you need to kill 20 wolves lol)
>there are like 10 quests per zone for everybody
>you need to do every single quest to reach max level
>blizzard knows it and say they will introduce sharding (basically a mini instance to help zones deal with 600 people doing the same 10 quests)
>consumers REEEEEE because it was not in the original
>launch day
>everyone starts in 1 of 4 zones
>average of 1000 people per zone on all servers
>plus 10 000 more waiting to login because everything is full
>if you get disconnected you are fucked for the next 4 hours because of this
>when you make your character you cant do anything because 1000 players are fighting over 10 wolves
>so the cucks decide to get in line
>only 1 person does the quest at a time
>others literally afk because there is nothing else to do yet
>if you skip the line you are mass reported and autobanned (another system that wasnt in the original)
>game is unplayable for days
>after that the rest of the zones are still cancer
>cause even if there was 1 person per zone, the mobs are still not enough especially for COLLECT X quests
Why can't Zig Forumsfags enjoy games for once
no, at most you'd get "blacklisted" but that's okay, like 99% of people waiting in that line quit playing after a few days
yes, standing in a queue will be their only memory of classic
autobans for meeting the report quota are a thing now. Did you miss the AQ gates fiasco?
that might be something new, I'm almost positive nobody got banned for cutting on release day
would love to be proven wrong though, it will only add to the joke
it only takes like 10 people reporting you to instantly kick you offline, and every time action is taken against someone you reported, your reports get a higher weighting until you can single-handedly get people 2 day silences with no human oversight. It really is that bad.
Or I can enjoy playing the game ignoring all other cucks
>wait in queue to enter game
>wait in queue to play game
lol the absolute state of nostalgiafags
Imagine playing this faggot ass game
imagine paying for it too
It'd only take like 2 or 3 people ignoring the line to cause that whole thing to break down.
pretty sure a huge chunk of classic population never played back when original wow was released, at most they played on third world pirate servers
Waiting in line is some reddit tier shit.
Just push in like a chad.
surprisingly, it didn't
t. ignored the line
Lines for a quest are always a thing for MMOs opening up. However those are Blizzardfags so you have to obey the majority rule or happens.
So did the vanilla wow reboot die?
You are free to ignore the line but there is literally nothing but the line and the quest giver alive
Points for effort, user.
t. enter wow threads to laugh
every poser that did this quit after a week
>he doesnt know
You could kill someone with that webm you shithead
>he waited in line instead of just heading to the front and spanking the NPC when it spawned.
imagine being this much of a cuck
I could not resist PKing as many of them as I could.
>that streamer who went around ganking ecelebs like asmongold and esfand
>horde and alliance stealthing and killing the world buff npc is fuck over each other
>out of bounds griefing and out of bounds exploitation and mass bot farms
>blizzard knows it and say they will introduce sharding
Did they also introduce shidding and farding?
>That webm
Fukken saved
they should have. And not just for starting zones
retards deserve death
the best part is this never happened in vanilla. Everyone would just call it bullshit and go do something else. It's the retail blizzdrones who are basically mentally ill coomsumer retards
>vespene gas
Kill yourself then, retard
Cope newfag
well I wouldn't do something so retarded, perhaps you first?
Imagine paying to play Classic instead of Retail
imagine playing wow lol
what going here? shark can brap?
>tear gas
>BR(ap) element
You'd get mass reported and the system would give you a kneejerk ban
>french use tear gas once against Germans
>Doesn't work
>Germans then proceed to invent chemical warfare
Thanks France.
Better than than final cucktasy shit
kots too and it should literally be included in the pic
you rike?
>People paid to wait in lines, to wait in more lines
Glad I missed this shit. Private servers are still king
Answers your own question.
Americans are massive cucks. In EU servers there was a bunch of people waiting for it to spam and tag it. No fucks given
Speak for yourself faggot, I've been on Zig Forums since the early days. If you're gonna post shit that can kill someone and pretend that's fine, then you're a fucking faggot and you should get raped by a donkey
>murder is fine if someone's retarded
Nice excuse you miserable faggot