Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

Are your machines ready?
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 thread
Where will be the first place you fly to?

Attached: MFS2020countdown.png (1498x770, 1.38M)

i will now pirate your game

Attached: 1532337968335.jpg (216x215, 16.64K)

good luck with that, retard

They should let us preload already I don't want to download 150 gigs in one day.

>anime poster

I picked up a T Flight X, have a 9700k overclocked pretty hard, a 2080 Super, tons of SSD storage, and 32 gigs of 3600 ram. I think I'm ready to go.

You can't afford a $70 game but can afford a $2000 PC to play it?

>GTX 960

Attached: 1583780409322.jpg (502x502, 50.1K)

I can afford it, but I don't think a video game is worth $70.

What did you honestly expect for a game like this?