Are your machines ready?
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 thread
Where will be the first place you fly to?
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
i will now pirate your game
good luck with that, retard
They should let us preload already I don't want to download 150 gigs in one day.
>anime poster
I picked up a T Flight X, have a 9700k overclocked pretty hard, a 2080 Super, tons of SSD storage, and 32 gigs of 3600 ram. I think I'm ready to go.
You can't afford a $70 game but can afford a $2000 PC to play it?
>GTX 960
I can afford it, but I don't think a video game is worth $70.
What did you honestly expect for a game like this?
>anime poster
>going to pirate a game that relies on real time data streaming
have you ever hurr'd so hard you durr'd?
Be honest Zig Forums, how fucked am I?
since this is a CPU reliant game to the nth degree and you have a shittier processor than the one that I had that throttled me on the Division 2, I'd say pretty hard.
New York
Fuck. Well on the bright side, maybe the game will get a sale by the time I upgrade enough to play it.
>Microsoft Walking Simulator
going off of past MS Flight Sim games and what MS has said about it, they seem to want to do their usual thing and support the game for around 8-10 years and build on it.
It'll still be around when you do if some other sim hasn't taken it down by then.
Gonna fly to japan, fuck ya'll
waiting till I see 3080ti/3090 first. I'm on a 1070ti
Is this released yet? How does this work, it actively strange satellite imagery or something?
I don't think I'm gonna be able to run it
>Is this released yet?
That's a countdown timer
Zig Forums is full of poorfags, who knew?
Straight into wtc monument
I think I'm gonna go island skipping in the Caribbean in a DA40
Yeah I noticed it in OP pic after I posted, my mistake
>falling for the rtx meme so early
Ultra cope.
>Intel i5 6600k
>16gb ram
>AMD R9 390
how fucked am i
Never had a chance.
Not going to make it.
>mfw comfy landing on 10000000-mile-long-runways in Las Vegas
best airport ever
How do you get this?
Will work on mine? I use GTX 1660 Supra
>150gb for this garbage
not even worth a pirate
Fucking based. Look at all those seething planecucks.
Will there be an official Zig Forums server where we can fly together/troll the ATC?
This will be unlike anything you have ever played before
This, I'll stick to my euro truck
IIRC you can download the whole 150GB game and not stream map data at all. Or you can download like a 40 GB game and then just stream the map data of wherever you fly as you go.