Space game

>Space game
>Humans are called Terrans

Attached: perro.jpg (820x602, 104.75K)

>saying "humans" instead of "people"

Attached: 1597650997536.png (523x863, 417.58K)

Earthling is superior

>people is exclusive to humans

>space game
>money is called credits

Attached: tnhgbfd.png (860x711, 105.36K)

>Fantasy game
>There is a character called Valerian, Tyrion, Varys, Joffrey...

Attached: photo.jpg (900x900, 195.6K)

>space game
>humans don't exist

Attached: 1594001796199.gif (498x188, 1.93M)

the X series made a neat distiction, terrans were a separate significantly different human faction separated from colonist humans

Why doesn't Mass Effect ever designate its species with proper nouns? It feels disrespectful to other space-faring races.

Attached: 9cd9284118a2fefa0f1ef52bc664af67[1].jpg (768x533, 73.66K)

>Fantasy game
>Dwarves have scottish accent

Attached: mbabpi.jpg (2500x1900, 659.81K)