Space game

That's the name of the planet you live in, cocksnot. God, why are you so fucking stupid?

Aliens aren't people, they're aliens, no matter how much you want to put your dick in them.

>beat space game
>it has credits

Attached: fist.png (548x309, 170.54K)

>Space Game
>Toilets exist

Attached: cartoon-drawings-of-celebrities-funny-cartoon-drawings-of-celebrities-adultcartoon-co.jpg (3200x2400, 1.46M)

>space game
>there are humans
>there is no Earth

Attached: 1578504664930.jpg (380x299, 30.64K)


Attached: kill xenos.jpg (1024x769, 131.14K)

Where would they shit in space?
Designated shitting sector?

>Greenskins Norf FC
>when they were inspired from Millwall fans

Attached: 1589280986310.png (614x585, 26.48K)

>Fantasy game
>Sports are bloodier, more violent versions of real-life sports
>Space game
>Sports are played in anti-gravity using holographic equipment
