>Space game
>Humans are called Terrans
Space game
>saying "humans" instead of "people"
Earthling is superior
>people is exclusive to humans
>space game
>money is called credits
>Fantasy game
>There is a character called Valerian, Tyrion, Varys, Joffrey...
>space game
>humans don't exist
the X series made a neat distiction, terrans were a separate significantly different human faction separated from colonist humans
Why doesn't Mass Effect ever designate its species with proper nouns? It feels disrespectful to other space-faring races.
>Fantasy game
>Dwarves have scottish accent
That's the name of the planet you live in, cocksnot. God, why are you so fucking stupid?
Aliens aren't people, they're aliens, no matter how much you want to put your dick in them.
>beat space game
>it has credits
>Space Game
>Toilets exist
>space game
>there are humans
>there is no Earth
Where would they shit in space?
Designated shitting sector?
>Greenskins Norf FC
>when they were inspired from Millwall fans
>Fantasy game
>Sports are bloodier, more violent versions of real-life sports
>Space game
>Sports are played in anti-gravity using holographic equipment
>space game
>all aliens have human like figures
>space game
>it's all empty
>it takes forever to get anywhere
>you can buy cool ships
>they cost shitloads of money
>you don't even use them in combat because they're too expensive to risk the damage
>space game
>currency is space ruble
>Space game
>Human faction uses German/Nazi inspired uniforms
And thats a good thing!
>space game
>neon lights
perro caca
>Sports are played in anti-gravity using holographic equipment
that makes perfect sense
sports are generally created when people just play around with whatever they have on hand
if people lived for long stretches of time in zero gravity environments with enough equipment to play around with they'd totally come up with some wacky space sports
>any game with multiple races, space, fantasy, whatever
>everyone speaks the same language and can understand each other even when first meeting
>never explained
>Space game
>Earth is either full of 1km tall buildings with full metal-concrete surface with no greens on sight
>or it's inferior to every other species in the galaxy and is basically we are cavemen
with all that tech it's got to be possible to just teleport or vaporize the shit out off the bowels
>Mmofag thinking their opinion matters
>Space game
>People from the Virgo Supercluster are called Virgins
>space game
>there are humans in space colonies
>humans from Earth are the bad guys