Why are there people who fail upward in this world? Halo should be dead and buried and these people considered incompetent, yet they parade Halo's corpse around and continue moving up in the gaming industry. How is this possible?
Halo should be dead
Why is Microsoft paying these people?
Muh equality
Women really have the midas touch of shit in this industry.
Shocking. People who dont understand halo being asked to make a halo game
corrupt AAA game industry. never trust a company who hires based on diversity over skill
No, that's Amerimutts in general.
In every other continent women being on the team doesn't matter, because only Americans are the inferior, weak minded creatures who think that ugliness is good.
To be fair, America really is behind all the evils of the modern world.
Who could be behind this post?
Corporations keep funding projects that lose them money. If it was a smaller company that was doing this, they'd have just released the game, ate the losses and broken up, like what happened to that branch of BioWare that made the last Mass Effect game.
Microsoft has tons of money and nothing else to spend it on. If they drop 343, Xbox has Forza and Gears of War as it's only popular titles. They'll fund this shit forever because of that. It's the same reason Disney keeps making Star Wars movies that lose them fuck tons of cash. Delusion and misplaced hope that the masses will cave and support them because of loyalty to the brand.
Why would a jew be against their biggest and most loyal servant?
I feel even more retarded after reading those stupid opinions.
This, basically.
A clever attempt at redirection, Mr. Soros. But I know better.
They aren't opinions, they are facts, Americans CAN'T handle beauty.
It's why they try to turn everything into "homely" or, if they can get away with it, into straight up abominations.
That's why in American you have even self proclaimmed neo-nazis going "SHE CUTE" over every ugly damn nigger, the uglier, the more attractive to the American.
>trying to pick out the ones that were BIOLOGICALLY a female vs the trannies
I'm honestly lost. I was going to say the fat one is for sure a woman but then I remembered Chris Chan....
>what is a vocal minority attempting ideological subversion
>what is false flagging
You're really not even worth replying to, be grateful I stooped so low.
Yeah right, suddenly everyone started falseflagging.
Let the Americans self-destruct, maybe then we'll know peace.
You're either a jealous nordcuck or a backwards Arab. Either way, keep seething.
>heres your 10/10 bro
Jealous of what?
You are the pinnacle of degeneracy and anti-whiteness.
They are obviously talking about their prime, now they are both ugly.
Which is also why Americans will still defend them.
Has there EVER been a time where women and minorities saved or created a successful product without using the backs of white men beforehand?
What the fuck happened?!
Replace this with Californians, Euro.
Imagine buying SJW trash from Microsoft or Sony...
if it wasn't a Microsoft brand. Everything related to the xbox brand should be dead after the 360.
nearly baited me with this op
but then i spotted a qt and calmed down
>implying i want my vidya made by ugly women
It's not just Microsoft or Sony, it's basically the entire AAA industry. Just fuck all the mainstream big budget stuff.
>rent free