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Video Games
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Video Games #5217
Video Games
How can we fix fire emblem?
Do you like Elder Scrolls Zig Forums
"Detecting multiple leviathan class lifeforms in the region. Are you certain whatever you're doing is worth it?"
New HD Model of Peach’s Castle from SM64 found on upcoming Switch controller
Risk of Rain
Kill Paarthurnax
The Last of Us Part II
What's your favourite Lego game?
Frenless Feels
I'm fucking done with this game. It's literally impossible. I never want to hear anyone on this board praise this game...
What's the best videogame cat?
Paying for shit anime games just to coom
So what's the general consensus on this...
your perfect game will never exist
I'm going out for a bit. Take care of her while I'm gone, okay?
This is pure kino
Whats the best 6th gen game?
Jessie is literally dying in front of him
What was your main deck looking like back in the day?
How do you prevent i-frames from ruining your combat system
Yeah yeah, "kino" and all that shit, but why can't we have one that's about just vietnam?
What does Zig Forums think of Bioshock 2?
How come the Xbox brand stop being relevant in the U.S?
Why did he do it?
What's your favorite Capcom game?
They really did them dirty lads. The Helghan aesthetics were on point and they killed them for it...
SGDQ 2020
Fall guys
This guy walks up to you and calls you a Chigyu (チー牛). What do you do?
Why haven't you joined the VR master race yet?
A fucking tree
Why does she always want to play with her friends tits?
Can someone tell me how to pirate sonic mania on pc
DK 64
Undertale Thread
I don't understand why you posted this guy. What is his motivation? I've see him in so many threads
What Smash Bros character could've been designed better?
This is a Hololive / vtuber thread
Koreans boycott Kakao Games
Square Enix is trash
He has ended thousands of human lives for dusty old artifacts, their lives have come to an end...
"Okay Günter, you get to pick out only one game."
These are chinese robots
Worms Armageddon
SGDQ 2020
Why do Americans just make shit up and not translate?
No Straight Roads
The best fighting game player uses a fightstick, why don't you use one Zig Forums?
Epic Mafia
Did a horror game ever scare you?
October is getting closer Zig Forums. What games do you play during the Halloween season?
Pikmin 2 fucking sucks. The game plays like a dream...
Bros, I think I'm in love
Name ONE (1) vidya character that can beat Gold Experience Requiem
Do you love a video game character?
Deep rock galactic
You should be able to solve this
I heard you like mermaids, user
Do you play vidya with your girlfriend?
Which game characters make you want to KNEEL?
ITT: Acceptable vidyawear
You ARE playing new and improved Hollow Knight right? Because it is out now. Hollow Knight devs are seething...
Watching any girl youtuber
Fighting game players, how do you feel about Ramlethal?
Who is the better man?
Post your hopes for MONSTER HUNTER 6
What was the point of this console?
Fighting games are on the verge of death, how do we save them?
You wake up in the Early 2000's
Fall Guys
Is Samurai honoru a meme?
BREAKING: PS5 has ‘the best line-up in the history of PlayStation’, claims marketing boss
Fire Emblem
Pinpoint exactly why Overwatch died
Zig Forums can still have comfy Metal Gear threads right?
Will we ever see another Sony handheld console ever again?
How do we fix horror games?
This is the worst game I’ve ever played
Thoughts? How does it compare to Remedy's other games?
What are your thoughts on Sims 4? i like building
August 22nd
How did you spend your summer Zig Forums?
I really, really don't get why this is so popular
Here's your controller, bro
What's your favorite Mettaton form?
Someone lorepill me on Risky. assume i know nothing of the games
Who would win in a fight?
SGDQ 2020
Umihara kawase thread
Why aren't you playing FU or P3rd ONLINE right now? Are you a casual?
Hollow Knight
Realistic proportions Juri
Do you agree with Joseph Anderson that there's a lot of reading in this game?
Vtmb is NOT supposed to have a smooth development cycle. The original didn't, either
Who wins?
Very interesting
ITT: post your
Flight sim
Do you want to die?
Why the fuck does this thing not have a release date yet?
Reminder that this is an official Nintendo character Are they footfags?
So, as a succubus, does Morrigan actually feed on innocent men and boys? That wouldn't be very cash money now would it...
Rouge the Bat
Top 10 Videogame Females 2020 (According to recent Japanese survey)
ITT: TF2 weapons you want to be viable
What makes a good character design?
Lucina is the most underrated female character of all time
What the fuck happened?
Who was in the wrong here?
FACT: Nords are the most powerful race on Nirn
Can she beat Rance?
Do you like the Far Cry series?
Galaxy full of possiblities and wonder
Are you ready for part 2?
I'm sure many of you will think I'm trolling or shilling just for making this thread...
ITT: Sing lyrics to the latest song you heard in the last game you played and Anons guess the game
Mfw experiencing high framerate and 1440p/144hz after being a cons*lecuck for a decade
How the hell do you make turn based combat fun, or at the very least engaging in this day and age?
SGDQ 2020
Hideo Kojima on Akio Otsuka (Japanese voice of Snake)
How do we stop them from ruining our video games?
How do you feel about Sony's PlayStation 4 year?
This is why fighting game will never be mainstream
Comfy Switch thread
Why can't we have it, Nintenbros? It's not fair
Now that the dust has settled... what did we think of it Zig Forumsros?
New Zig Forums board prediction
Has one of the most autistic fanbases yet nobody really talks about that
Zig Forumsidya Drawthread
Yes Im buying the Xbox instead of Playstation 5 on launch, how did you know?
Can you name a better pair of characters to add to smash?
Genshin Impact
Vidya Waifu Thread
Which one is the best 3D Mario platformer, Zig Forums?
Where can i find a white top bf to play vidya with?
Come on user, you can't honestly think that a AI program is initiating lewds with you...
Low on ammo? Just use your invulnerability downtime ability to refill it
There are girls who really, really don't like this visual trend in gaming...
Don't you wanna touch me user?
What if Doom for 3do had cut scenes?
Where did the SOUL disappear? Why are today's games so soulless?
Fighting Games Thread
Are Nintendo online services really subpar?
This man has DESTROYED sensible career aspirations for an entire generation of children/teenagers who now all say they...
Battlestation thread?
TF2 dying
Fuck you, I liked it
Why does she sound so cute in Japanese yet sounds like a 50 years old woman in english?
Makes the entire FFXIV community seethe
PSX screwing N64
SGDQ 2020
Well this is what you can expect from non SJW studios
Explain Joel as a character to me Zig Forums
Zig Forums is dead
What setting would you like for Final Fantasy XVI?
Nintendo Direct LEAK - August 27th at 3PM PST
Tell me about the Tenchu series
Games with Tonfas
What went so wrong?
If you didn't play the game at 144hz, you didn't actually experience it
Is this secretly better than Super Metroid?
Name one (1) thing he did wrong. That's right, you can't
ITT: characters who just vanished with no in-universe explanaition
Are you satisfied with the PS4's games library?
There is probably out there a game that would be perfect for you and that you will never experience
Activision dropping redpills
Who is your favorite servant?
Here's your PS5 official ad bro
Atlus refuse to put Persona on PC
Well Zig Forums?
What would you do to refine or improve upon the ttt formula...
Yakuza 0 or GTA 5?
My friend won't stop playing overwatch. He's been playing it since it came out, he rarely plays any other game...
Nothing wrong with liking sex
Try posting a most dangerous weapon
Remnant from the ashes DLC is out
Hero dies in the first game
Black Ops Cold War
I really wanted to buy this game but I don't want to support pro-Catholic games
Did you enjoy Guitar Hero, Zig Forums?
Immediate signs a game is trash
When the franchise was at its peak
Play game
What's Zig Forums opinion on Tim "Epic" Sweeney?
Thoughts on The Last of Us Part II? Why is it so controversial?
Which of these two video game characters is cuter?
Summarize the plot of this game in 280 characters or less
Why is she so universally hated? Everyone says was the Other M of Zelda in terms of characterization
Tfw no brothers in arms but in Rome
Can anyone explain the point of Metal Gears when these exist? Or even the Shagohod since they've existed since the 50s
Is call of duty crazy? you never redpill the normies YOU NEVER DO THAT!!!
SGDQ 2020
Will it come to PC ever?
Demon's Souls Remake confirmed for launch/window launch title
Tell me one reason why gamers should be happy for "preservation" leaks when corporations can preserve it just fine
What's your favorite game that you aren't allowed to talk about on Zig Forums?
Tfw finally a Cold War game
Shooters are gimped
Project Zero/Fatal Frame needs a return
Why are people so anti social in multiplayer games these days?
Trials of Mana sales significantly surpassed initial expectations
Korean games
"You need to join our Discord to play on this server"
ITT: times you were casual filtered
I'm escaping to the one place that hasn't been corrupted by capitalism
I will now buy your game
How much will it cost BRos?
ITT: Games that should either be much longer or much shorter
How can you enjoy JRPGs? The genre hasn't evolved in 20 years
The best power ranger team never got a game :(
GTA will never be this immersive again
Get into a long fight with an enemy
When will we get Fatalis Edition
Xbox is dead
Confess your video game opinion sins, Zig Forums
Whats the consensus? is it the first good SW game in years?
Annie of the Stars!
Choose: Right or Left?
Risk of Rain 2
People that bought the Wii U when it was new
Is it me or Dark Souls 1 has a better atmosphere than 3? 1 seems very comfy and relaxing while 3 is the opposite
What's the scariest video game you've ever played?
Filename Thread
Think he'll get a slot in Fighterz?
So this is pretty much universally agreed upon right?
Would you?
I decide to play a video game
Never got the appeal of this game
Neat, something just arrived in the mail
Sequel.... NEVER
Enter the gungeon
This console sold like 120Million units right? Why does its exclusive games struggle to get 10 million sales...
Make a case for why someone should play Horde over Alliance
How do you feel about yuri in video games?
You're the new ideas guy we hired?
I can say with great confidence that CAPCOM won
How does this make you feel?
Why the fuck didnt you buy the dlc?
You now realize that the 2 most popular Sega ips fell off from grace the exact same way
SGDQ 2020
I always get stuck on the part where you have to manage oil & fluids
I bought it
It's been five years. How does Zig Forums feel about Bloodborne?
ITT: Characters you could see yourself starting a family with
Stopped playing PC games over a decade ago
No one is talking about this game that came out two days ago, and I'm curious if it's worth $30...
Imagine how happy he wouldve been if he hadnt moved to overwatch
Nintendo Switch Pro, about twice as powerful as the base model (same difference between 3DS and New 3DS)...
Are there any video games that kill off just about every character that's not the protagonist?
I had a fun time with you, bros. Goodbye
When did you realize gaming was beyond saving?
What's the first game you purchased at full price, and hated it?
Fall Guys
You know it's true
For me, it's Kokoro
Hitman 3
User? I need help in grammar
Why cant blizzard do ANYTHING right these days?
Disgaea 4 Complete+ PC
Hitman 3
What would you want out of a berserk RPG?
Who’s your favorite Sonic character, Zig Forums?
ITT Real Life video game power ups
How the fuck is this game so good?
Stardew Valley
Hitman 3 EGS exclusive
ITT: games literally (as opposed to figuratively) only you played
Fire Emblem
Video Game Waifus
Now the dust has settled, what is Zig Forums's opinion?
Black Myth: Wukong
"why yes, i do use cheat engine while playing fall guys and win each episode i play, how could you tell?"
That kid who's parents couldn't afford to get him a gameboy so he missed out on the Pokemon craze and ended up with no...
Super Mario Zig Forumsorld 2 (Thread 18/31)
What was your first video game?
Why do classes like the medic exist in games?
Demon's Souls Remake pretty much confirmed to be a PlayStation 5 launch title
Platinum Games
How old is your steam account?
Why aren't there any Xenoblade nude mods yet?
Monke Gaem
Fuck the critics, this game is fucking great
Pistols Vs Revolvers
Who is in the wrong here?
Avengers demo can be downloaded now on steam
Worms Armageddon
Two Coles
Which games are meant for gamers with an IQ of 200?
SONY: PS5 to have the best line-up ever seen in the history of PlayStation
What are your favorite hardcore games?
Is it okay to post streams as long as someone's playing fall guys?
I am flattered ma'am, but I'm afraid I have a girlfriend. Please leave so I may drink in peace
Are people still excited for Strive, or has it killed off most interest in Guilty Gear?
Any mercenary is killed in the video
*saves video games*
Protag pays homage to master
SGDQ 2020
Don't mind me, I'll just be over here quietly defying the limitations of my hardware
The Gravity Rush series is extremely overrated
This still worth playing in current year? dropped it when iceborne came out
What was gaming like in 1997?
5 million copies shipped and sold
Famitsu Sales
Yakuza like a dragon is a series X launch title and it has a release date on the Microsoft store
TLOU2 sales figures are more and more disappointing
Bioshock 4/ Bioshock Series Thread
Post games from your child hood that warms your heart
Is more of a shitty action FPS than a Fallout game
WoW shadowlands
Okay vros, I'm in need of some serious help. I desperately NEED a murder solving game...
Play Death end re;Quest 2
This is the sniper from TF2
Granblue Versus
Video game "reviewers" haven't been relevant since the internet went to complete shit in '07
This is a battleship according to game developers
You're a part of Zig Forums mod team under Zig Forums
Has a video game ever made you cry?
Ok boys how do we save Quake
Okami good
Is reciting the name of an attack or chanting a phrase cringe to you?
Do we even need new games?
Why are there literally and unironically NO good Superman games?
Works on my machine :)
ITT: greatest quotes in vidya
"wah wah wah politicis in games and movies is bad we want it out of these things"
Lads, Sun Wukong game using Sekiro and Nioh as the gameplay basis
Play metal gear rising
PS3/360 was the worst generation...
Any games with this feeling?
Want to play the enchanced version of Control on PS5/XSX?
New cod trailer out
ITT: Your favorite game vs the best game in a franchise/series
Why does this game have a perfect rating on Steam
Why'd Nintendo kill off Red Bombbombs?
Serious question no ironic weeb: why some jrpgs characters have such big boobs? is it fun to japanese kids...
Is is true?
Damn, Cyberpunk 2077 really makes people seethe
That kid in school who preferred Digimon over Pokémon
Is this the worst modern bethesda singleplayer game?
How dou you guys deal with the excruciating reality, that the greatest game franchise of all time is dead...
Is interspecies sex frowned upon?
Fall Guys Hacker Streaming
Thoughts on sim games? Which are some of your favorites
So they just delayed the second game to 2021, thougths?
Have they done it?
I heard there was an epic shitstorm when the X360 version of FF13 was announced
Launch japanese game
Will new games ever lose the SJW stain?
What did you think of New Order?
Are you excited Zig Forums?
Ghost of Tsushima Nioh-mode on the way
SGDQ 2020
Enter The Gungeon
A Kiwi grandma is a more hardcore gamer than 99% of Zig Forums
SGDQ 2020
What genre are we branching off to next bros?
Was it good?
He didn't choose Nomad as his lifepath
2 hours of new game trailers next week
Why the FUCK haven't you played Dead Rising?
I'm never playing a multiplayer game again in my life
Did anyone else get pissed at this?
Baldur's Gate 3
How long until we have fully-integrated infinitely AI-generated games? I believe that...
Literally no good rat videogames
$1400 3090
What you expected an actual fight?
Why do "people" on this board defend combat that is purely based on spamming M1 hoping the dice roll in your favour and...
"here is your new alice bro.enjoy!"
Microsoft Flight Simulator
Well good golly, gee whizz guys! What could this be?
I just found this document from 1820 where someone goes full autism on how archery is not childish
Fuck Marry Kill
First enemy in the game is a rat
So Zig Forums is now just the Zig Forums of video games?
Is there any reason this wouldn't work provided you don't play multiplayer, games as a service...
Hardware is worthless, show me the games
Vidya comics that make you go "LOL"
ITT: Minecraft Ideas/Concepts
One copy of danganronpaV3 boss! and make it snappy!
Death Stranding
Post epic things only true gamers will get
It's a moving train level
Microsoft Flight Simulator Download edition
How do you become a streamer without becoming a zoomer?
Can we have one rimworld thread?
You do build your own PCs right Zig Forums?
Reveal the main character was somehow also the villain in the end
Bro I know we are outnumbered and overpowered by an invading force with basically limitless cannon fodder and superior...
This man asks you to kickstart his new video game. What do you do?
I don’t like it because it’s not the exact same game I’ve played 50 times already
Thoughts on Ninja Warriors The Return? I've never played a beat em up and this looks fun
Which Patreon games are you waiting to be finished?
Gunfire Reborn
"Oh right, that happened"
Black Myth: Wukong
Just finished this for the first time and I enjoyed it for the most barring Shrine of Amala and Frigid Outskirts...
SGDQ 2020
What did Dark Queen actually mean by this
About to play pic related
If she looked like this Zig Forums would cream themselves over this game
I hate PC gaming because its so expensive!
I've beaten only 3 games in 2020
Halo should be dead
Today I'm going to fly from Seoul to Japan
Player can't remove thir equipment past a certain save point
How did Horde players deal with their areas being so dull?
Game starts with a quote
What are the best erotic games ever made?
Nintendo makes spiritual successor to Banjo-Kazooie in form of their most popular IP
What was the best game released in 1992?
She's cute
So what exactly was the point if this scene?
What makes this game so special
That friend who always logs in as invisible yet you see his achievements post in real time and call him out
I finally caved in, and decided to play this game, and I gotta say
Do left handed people have trouble playing video games with button mapping designed with right handed people in mind?
SGDQ 2020
Sekiro has the best combat of any game. I place it even above Bloodborne...
Resident Evil thread
>ITT we Zig Forums like it's 2008
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine