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John Thomas
Other urls found in this thread:
Hudson Cox
they're going for the two ways of reading it.
Democrats will read it as a reference to "russian interference" with Trump the USA because before Trump everything was good
Republicans will read it as "cultural marxism" desmoralizing the USA because before marxists everything was good.
both are simply imperialist yanks.
Christian Bailey
the shill are doing extra hours today
Christopher Scott
The real interpretation is knowing that both are right because it's about the Jews who are behind all of it.
Brandon Flores
Connor Nguyen
and cringe-pilled
Christopher Ramirez
your reddit (You) my good man
Ayden Roberts
Xavier Butler
As if any of these people can throw a punch
Jason Scott
cope shill
Hudson Gomez
have sex
Jose Fisher
Third, it's a bait and switch.
They will make it about how commies are good and you should cut your dick off and let the lizard politician's fuck your kids.
Owen Russell
user, do you honest to god think that this is an argument? Do you think if that user magically has sex his views would be different? You and every single person who parrots this are retards.
Colton Morgan
Not him but have sex loser
Jackson Richardson
So are they nuking the Warzone map next week? I figured it would be done in a few months to swap to a new map and go back after a year for an overgrown version.
Levi Ross
What the fuck are they going to do with a cold war setting? "Press F to remove missiles from Cuba" ? Literally nothing happened in field besides espionage. It's cold war for a reason.
Gabriel Watson
Dont get too hopeful. Wait til it comes out and we can judge.
Brody Richardson
William Sullivan
They already did it with Black Ops 1 and BO1 is one of the best CoD's
Kayden Ross
Ayden Phillips
Are there any video games that focus on ideolgoical subversion, social engineering and psychological warfare?
Jaxson Martin
Tyler Rodriguez
>constantly rant and rave about CIA niggers trying to subvert america
>hey listen to this ex-KGB spy who defected to the US with the help of the CIA, hes a completely non biased and a reliable source of information!
make up your minds faggots
Adrian Nguyen
Based Eight Thoughts laying it all out
Blake Ross
Adam Powell
>mfw all the shills trying to go OMG IS REDPILLED with this
>when MW literally delayed DLC content because "more important things were happening" and had a BLM message for a month
Angel Perry
Notice how all the shill threads are the same.
>post pic of the game
Logan Allen
Just because they're going back to a decent setting doesn't mean it's a good game.
Just look at '83 if you want to see a shit cold war game.
Brayden Reyes
user, you are in a shill thread.
Michael Gonzalez
most of these shill threads are full of Zig Forums tantrums. the thread you linked is the first one I've seen that isn't dominated by posts screeching about leftists and communism
Parker Cook
The only shill i'm seeing here is you
Logan Long
How, the game isn’t out yet. This is Activision, they still have plenty of time to fuck up (and I’m sure they will).
John Price
A shill is a marketeer who tries to sell a product.
Brody Edwards
Legitimately embarrassing and ultimately rent free
Adrian Mitchell
Grayson Jones
this, and blackjack, and chess
Leo Brooks
How do you explain that COD every year gets samey threads all blindly praising and defending the game and they all appear and disappear in the exact same moment every year?
Grayson Lewis
Wyatt Flores
take your meds schizo :^)
Luke Hall
Ayden Walker
just give me a good zombies mode again
I need a good stupid fun game
Ian Foster
>how do you explain people talking about a game that just got announced with a interesting teaser in the videogame board
And before you call me a shill, yeah i'm the same guy from the other thread youre spamming your mental illness
this twitter thread is retarded, you can go to his wikipedia page and see that he was in fact a KGB informant that defected. the shit this guy is posting doesn't negate that fact, and furthermore, it disproves nothing of what Yuri said about left wing subversion in america
now dilate you tranny retard
Nicholas Wright
>zombie mode
Christian Parker
Why does CoD always heavly market its campaign when 3/4 of the player base never play/finish it
Camden Walker
>interesting teaser
Generic Cold War era footage, no trace of the actual game.
>yeah i'm the same guy from the other thread
Of course you are, you are a marketeer.
Juan Reyes
What you mean a fucking spy never outright shouted from the rooftops they were a spy and instead had a cover job?
No way!
Michael Long
It’s always surprising to me when I look at cod trophies, and only around 23% of people even have the first story trophy in any cod game.
Landon Gonzalez
>Generic Cold War era footage
That fits just right into the current climate
>you are a marketeer
I wasn't even aware of this thread before you quoted it on the other thread
Angel Morris
imagine having a mixed race child just so you can virtue signal