What do you suppose they do to fix this mini game?
Fall guys
I can understand the hate for minigames like See Saw and Perfect match but can we talk about just how fucking dogshit Jinxed is? It should be 3 teams instead of 2 teams. At this point I just quit to the menu whenever Jinxed is up cause I know I'm gonna be paired with shitters 99 times out of 100 and lose
What's wrong with it?
It depends how early it shows up in a round. Somewhat decent casual filter.
if your team is shit 99% of the time, mayby you're just shit lmao
Make it faster quicker
>muh wins
you are a brain damaged retard
>this is broken
I'm fucking offended you think this needs fixing and not the ones that require grabbing other players because that's peak bullshit that you can barely grab rails but other players can take yours from 5 feet away
>What do you suppose they do to fix this mini game?
make it go faster
add moving hazards
>this is broken
no one said that you brain damaged retard
You don't have to fix something unless it's broken.
then why does it need fixing
I think we can all agree that Fruit Chute is truly the nigger of courses.
I have 8 hours on this game, and I have never played Jinxed once somehow.
Its so fucking easily, how do you even lose at this?
Then don't FIX it, you retarded piece of worthless shit.
What is with stupid people and trying to fix things that aren't broken?
fruit chode desu
Make the logs move way faster so that you can barely stop and have to make a plan to keep moving to stay balanced at the top
servers dying again....
>op is a retard
every time
fucking blessed
it's fine, just really hard to make a comeback, but not as bad as others like fall mountain
3 team games are bad
I fucking hate Tip Toe with a passion. For some reason every time I play that game it feels like my Guy is made of styrofoam and gets batted away by everyone else with ease.
Fuck, I don't have that much crowns. 35 stocked up here. It's time for that list again
those changes sound great, finally
>can't even get to the main menu
has there been any news of new costumes? I am thinking of using my crowns on gatoroboto costume but I am unsure
I hate that one too, total trash. It seems like the best strategy in it is to desperately keep grabbing in the frantic mosh pit that keeps forming but I deviate from that and KEEP losing
>People go to the middle in Roll out instead of just going in and out of the ends
>Bulletkin won't be back for a while
Fuck, I got the top but not the bottom