New patch released the other day, did it fix artificer?
Risk of Rain 2
Can I fight the Sky Meadows boss then visit the Artifact Stage?
post more arti
if you input your command for the portal before you trigger teleporter
Yeah, you just have to open the artifact portal first.
Arti is FIT and useless
How do we fix gesturefagging?
Say something nice about her!
Arti is the only character I can consistently beat monsoon with.
what skills do you use because that seems impossible
she has soft thighs and a cute tummy
same, you literally need 2 bands and you're fine
Artificer is cute! CUTE!
She has a nice butt!
She's an excellent cocksleeve
t. bazaar newt
>host game
>my items get stolen
>pick up gesture
>fuel cell
>hit q
If I don't get to play neither do you.
>Hit Q
user I...
>host game
>items get stolen
>quit to menu and end session for everyone because no host migration
do funbombs damage enemies?
No, you have to turn on the FF artifact for them to be able to
US midwest Monsoon
>been wiping to mithrix
I am getting sick of this asshole I just want to loop but I'm not cheating on the purity unlock
You only can't open the artifact portal if you try to do it while the regular teleporter is still charging, you can still put in an artifact code after clearing it
Bomb if you're obliterating, spear for mithrix
Jump instead of flamethrower
You need to sprint a lot and run away, which is something you don't have to do on other survivors. She just has such high damage though, you don't even really need extra damage items to get through the first few stages. Quails/buckler really helps.
>See pic related
>Think it's a Haydee thread
>I'm not cheating
If you don't consider artifacts cheating, it's pretty much impossible to lose with artificer and being a commandlet