Death Stranding

>No comfy thread
Where my porter niggas at?

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I did it, I kept The Elder alive all game. Got a little nervous towards the end.

PS4 pleb here. Finished the game around february, and since then been checking once per month that how many likes I've received from other players + fix damages that MY constructions have received since last time I logged in.

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I forgot elder completely after I five starred him in chapter 3. Later took some random unfinished delivery there and that motherfucker had actually died.

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So the discussion at Zig Forums has dried out regarding this game?

Nah there are some well comfy threads with porters bestowing little unkowns like being able to use a sticky gun on climbing anchors and bein able to "pay" likes to have corpses removed for you. It's just a bit early in the UCA to get our yank bros on!


Okay well here's my little known fact of the day; you can find a holy japanese shinto gate at the top of the steep mountain next to the Timefall farm. When you enter the gate a song will play out.

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>a song
user, I have 500 hours, I've been to the Tori gate LoL but a song plays...? Can't say I noticed any little tune..

I'm Sam!

Well look from youtube. It's another Low Roar song.

I'm Sam too!

Nope! Were you on a story mission? No actual music plays outside of story deliveries or structures..

>piss blood grenades are real
thought I was being memed on 2bqh

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No, I was just free roaming during chapter 15.

Did you also try fighting other BT's without players help kek


Well I dunno wat to say to you other than music doesn't play there dude, I'd load up my alt just to go there for the first time but I am absolutely sure already!

Look this couple minute video for example if you don't believe me

Wow my fucking apologies, I legit just went there on my HomoDemen and it played Asylums for the Feelings ._. My bad PorterFam, must've been so long since I first went there that I fucking blanked out!

what a madlad

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I have negative 1 and a quarter mil on my Demen! Keep on Killing on!

Do you get anything special for being a homo?

You kidding me, only the biggest pat on the back from the LGBT community.. but nah nothing... I just think it's funny to only entrust lost cargo such as gun parts and have decoy cargo delivered to BT areas heh

Really enjoying the game, probably my GOTY. Just finished episode 4 Unger, Mad Mikkelson was a great choice. The worldbuilding is so fucking abstract and weird, first time I've actually read every bit of the lore in a game. The Japanese girl's accent in episode 3 was fucking hilariously bad.

This part was totally unexpected. I had heard about it but I honest to God thought people were talking shit.

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Inb4 blog but I'm trying to quit smoking and literally can't stop thinking of Cliff taking a puff on some sweet sweet tailor mades so I finally caved and bout some today
>my name...

>Higgs' neet cave has another section attached to it

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woah, spoilerinos but that's interesting. I thought it was just the chiral printer or some shit

Also a young Sam picture on the wall, no beard.

I always thought the place was just tiny. Still wondering where the bathroom is though.

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I've finished the game yesterday. All the ending cutscenes were so fucking good. It's sad that most of the game is tailored with very bad storytelling and silly one phrases to explain why a person was named in that way. Mama is only good for fap, but overall her chapter was trash.

True though
>tfw his neet cave made me want to make DS bunkers in Sims2
My main gripe is that clearly the trailers were made as edgy art pieces that were so obviously shoehorned in last minute and the opening cutscenes make the game seem so much bigger than it really is...