Zig Forums is dead

>This is what over 2,000 Zig Forums users consider the best games ever

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>making fun of it without providing an alternate for criticism

yea there's too many iphone posters

Looks pretty so-
yeah, it's shit

Portal & dark souls are reddit trash that has no business being on there

the only bad game is portal, what's the issue?

Why are people so obsessed with nintendo?

Do people really like Automata that much? I thought it was alright but pretty basic as an action game and I think I largely preferred the story/characters/soundtrack of the original game. Weird to see it so high up

imagine taking part of shit like this lmao

Why are Snoy’s so obsessed with Fifa, COD & GTA?

Nintendo made some amazing and revolutionary games in the past

There isn't a bad game on this list. I genuinely don't see the problem here.

Portal sucks

So what would a good list look like to you? Mount and Blade and RDR2 at the top? Fucking kill yourself

I'll take your word for it. I had fun at least.

Video gamers have such low standards for storytelling/imagination that a video game story that isn't a carbon copy of some trope blows their minds.

Those are all good you stupid fag

list looks decent, except for a couple of odd ones.

Nah it's great. Had a lot of fun with both games. Consider the fact that you just suck at puzzle games because of low iq.

Remove Portal & BOTW.

Pretty decent list, which games are bad?

Portal, BOTW, Dark Souls

Remove Portal and replace it with Xenogears, and I'd be fine with it.

Mario Party 2 is the best game of all time

imo nier and mother 3 have nothing to do on that list, rest are great.

If you could remove Portal & BOTW and add 2 games in their place what would they be?

Final Fantasy VI & Link’s Awakening

antichamber and dark souls 2

Ultimate coomer game

>Portal & dark souls are reddit trash
While souls is meh, do you not understand how revolutionary the tech of portal is, calling it trash is just you being a retard

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T. Got filtered at the 9S route. Anyone who finished it 3x knows it’s a top 20 game of all time

why yes i only picked a few games off metacritic,how did you know?

>Best score is a 73
wow you guys are so cool

That’s the percentage of people who like it. More voters the lower the %