do you want to die?
Do you want to die?
Best grill in the series
Maki Roll
Try us ya silly cunt
Damn i dont know why but i find maki to be the hottest character in the series
Shit character almost as bad as the kamina knock off
I'm not gonna die a virgin
Angie cute
You'd accept Atua's love, right user?
Yes, ill let Atua inside me if it meant to be inside Angie
yeah, can you use your thighs please?
yeah. Just till I get a girlfriend though
She's hot as fuck but damn do i rather want an edgy assassin tsundere to fuck the shit out of me in bed
give me the sweet release of death
Not gonna lie, if I were ever going to join a cult it would probably happen because a cute girl hugged me in an emotionally vulnerable state and told me I was loved.
Angie was completely right and she was ready to jump on Shuichi's dick, in his position I absolutely would have been on her side.
imagine being this pathetic
I want to rape fukawa furiously
She murdered her friend just because she was unlucky enough to be a kingpin's bastard and that yakuza thug paid her to do it. She remains unrepentant about that and worse because "muh complex situations". Real best girl is the one who catches murderers, not helps them.
to be fair, Maki's backstory isnt "real". She was basically larping as an edgy assassin with mental issues which i find hot
I don't have to imagine, I am Pagliacci
>it was just a tv show bro
Then what's the point of talking about any of the characters? We have no idea what the "real" Maki was like or if Tsumugi was even telling the truth about it.
Is it bad that I like Kaito but not Maki?
requesting an edit of shuichi in the manly meme face
I just realized that you can basically produce Ultimate students through brainwashing.
Even though the cast in V3 wasnt real ones, they still had the abilities.