Also videogames
This is a Hololive / vtuber thread
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Rise up nyahallo world. We will cure miko
What about Mio?
Dildo Sashimi
i didn't know they made liz into a vtuber that's cool
How much do you think she charged for compensated dating?
How is this video games? /incel/ better be the fucking board added tomorrow because this is just obnoxious and nobody wants you here you utterly spastic cunts.
I enjoy watching doog play video games.
Alice is playing Guitar Hero right now!
She deserves her ban and should graduate. Playing on emulator is is a crime and she should be properly punished.
I can't believe Miko is fucking dead!
Holoshit is now equals to e-celeb, user, and they sadly belongs Zig Forums now
you cunts all need to be thrown feet first into a wood chipper
>Pikamee is one of the best
>no one watching her because she isn't in hololive
it's sad
she is hilarious
Do you think she ever let her middle aged clients fuck her raw and finish inside her?
What do all the other Hololive think of Aloe?
all you EOP holoniggers will fucking hang
heard she got banned already because of lewd shit on youtube
Reminder that Aloe did nothing wrong!
She's slowly getting popular, just give it some time. Still, I'd like to see more collabs with Tomoshika and Monoe, the trio in general is top cute.
just imagine how much of a sweaty, hairy, nasty cunt that you must watch this shit. just imagine some 300lb guy waggling in his chair, dancing to his favorite vtuber.
>one of the best
lmao maybe for you one language plebs.
Literally me
Weebniggers simp for these cartoon "girls" while other dudes bang a different girl everyday
What a world
I miss her
Is that why they got her? I thought it was because of Capcoms bullshit.
Who is the pink haired rabbit girl she plays with sometime
They are super cute together, yes
Pretty based of you ask me
I wish, I'm under 130lbs
forever a skeleton
post the retarded australian
/jp/ is the worst board on Zig Forums. It's nothing but idolshit and chink games.
based Aloe, how devilish
we known. we could smell you through our routers passing along your nasty fucking packets.
>dumb lizard gets promoted to hololive
>banned instantly
What did she even do?
I'm gonna donate 200 dollars to Aloe when she makes her return.
Vtubers are not videogames you mentally ill faggot
Talked about posting pics of her panties on twitter on her stream IIRC
Unironically only the active threads are shit. The more inaccessible the threads are to normalfags, the comfier they are over there.
Only good holo is the caust
Shut the FUCK UP liz.
>average /jp/ poster
I watched likely 10 men do morning calisthenics behind 3D avatars
it was pretty cute
The one that doesn't exist?
tfw under 115 going on 6 years
can't wait until this shit dies off and all you bandwagon hopping teens move onto the next thing
She did nothing wrong.