Previous Thread >Post references and names in one post >Keep it vidya origin, no OCs >No shitposting, bumping requests or misusing Loomis and other artist's names >If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it. >When posting a delivery PLEASE don't forget to link to the anchor post. >Have fun
Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW: (current) (backup) Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!
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Requesting Coco Bandicoot taking a polaroid selfie at the Orient Express level. Optional suggestion: a juxtaposition between the original Playstation One graphics on the background and the new model from the PS4 N.Sane Trilogy as the main focus or the other way around.
Requesting Julianne Stingray working at a bar in Venezuela. With outrageously high hyper inflation prices on the drinks/menu, and some big phat stacks of cash she has to count just for one drink.
Requesting Tataru from FF14 getting the WoL's(Shadowbringers version) measurements but with her hand down his pants groping his junk with an intrigued yet smug look on her face.
Requesting Kumatora at the beach in a bikini, with Boney tugging at her bikini bottom with his teeth and Lucas tugging at her bikini top with his teeth.
Requesting either Lucas or Ness doing the Shining Finger strike from Gundam G with a Nintendo Power Glove. >"This hand of mine glows with an awesome power!" >"Its burning grip tells me to defeat you!" >"TAKE THIS!" >"MY LOVE, MY ANGER, AND ALL OF MY SORROW!" >"SHINING FINGER!"
There was just a thr- oh fuck it Requesting Tate Astaroth revealing that she had a bikini tan by pulling her shorts down and exposing a sizable white, panty-shaped spot on her ass.
Requesting Io from Grandblue Fantasy getting her magic staff shoved up her ass. Really hard if possible. Pointy end first. It needs to be more of a comical interpretation rather than gruesome. Like Kancho but with her staff instead of someone fingers.
Requesting Marta Lualdi getting fucked roughly while grabbed by her twin tails. Outfit optional, though her stockings preferably left on if you opt for her regular design.
Welp, there goes that thread. Requesting Citadel's protagonist pulling her belt to the side, standing in her knees. Or any appropriate misc. lewd pose you can think of.
If another pic is posted near the same time as yours, it has a chance of turning into that other picture instead
Jayden Wilson
Stealing this very old thing but with Toriko added. Requesting fusions of Mion (htoL#NiQ), Rose (A Rose in the Twilight) and Toriko (Void Terrarium), one was done long ago already.
Requesting Manah from Drakengard dressed in an expensive black fur coat, jeans and sneakers. Kinda like this but without the hat. Also, have her wear sunglasses that are kinda angled lower so her red eyes are partly visible like in the reference pic. Please and thank you.
Requesting Senua doing one of those "Sword Clashes" with Saber from Fate. I dunno, I think it sounds cool I'd really like it if you colored in the swords, but that's just me.