SGDQ 2020
Current: Megaman 9
Next: Megaman 10
SGDQ 2020
Current: Megaman 9
Next: Megaman 10
I guess you could say Slurpee sucks.
first for this is good
Forgot how fucking good mm9 music is
Quick, someone post THE webm. You know the one.
>Mega Mang
>Tornado Mang
>Hornet Mang
>Concrete Mang
The fuck is a Gautsee Man?
Imagine the smell
I can hear the double digit IQ in this basketball-american's voice.
Whats the difference betweem "He/Him" and "He/Him/They"
Threadly reminder not to use GDQ donations for your own personal reasons.True altruism is done anonymously.
You can HEAR the fat on the narrator, god damn.
Have you contributed your anonymous donation yet Zig Forums?
This one?
Are you winning son...?
dis one?
Being from Portugal. Literally the worst grammar nazi's I've ever met when it comes to language.
thanks Ms Skeltal
I'm thinking hot dogs again for dinner
There isn't. "They" and "Them" are neutral terms for anyone. More commonly used for groups.
What are you playing while you watch the runs? You are playing video games too aren't you Zig Forums?
Were there more fun runs after DMC4?
bruh I had hot dogs in a wrap with lettuce, tomato, onion, avocado, and pickles, pure kino
THIS one?
>Somebody pointed out it looks edited
>Can't unsee it
>haha there's no way he actually posted it
Ah, this takes me back.
yesterday I was playing fossil fighters but today I'm just hunched over actually watching the run
So SLUP is more woke than HJA?
The shitpost game, you lost.
>implying self-service virtual signaling isn't exactly the reason people donate to GDQ in the first place
>gayman chairs
Rocko's Quest, and a few others were good too like Blood and Baulders Gate WR.
is she lost? does she know she's at gdq? did someone force her to go? she obviously doesn't belong there
I fucked up bros. I just heard my roommate leave for work, which means I've been arguing with other retards in these threads all night. Now I've got to decide if I stay up all day or fuck up my sleep schedule and go to work fucked up tomorrow.
there ya go
Now THAT'S fucking sad.